Friday, May 26, 2006

Another New Baby!!

Hello everyone! I'd like to introduce yet another new baby to the world. Grantham Joseph weighed in at 9lb 7oz and 22 in long. Mommy Audrey, Daddy Larry & big sister Ainsley are so excited he's finally here. Grey made his debut on May 22nd. Here's wishing the new family all the happiness in the world.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Sara Grace

Good morning everyone. Just a quick post to show you the newest member of the United Way family. This is Sara Grace. Mommy Joanne & baby are both doing well and daddy Mike is so happy.

James goes to Greece

Hey guys! So by now you all know that I'm a member of and a total supporter of If you haven't joined yet click on the link and sign up. I've been lucky enough to have been assigned a new sailor by the name of James who shares his amazing pictures with me. Check out this one. It's from w hen they were pulling into Greece last Friday morning. Can you believe these pictures???? Please keep James in your thoughts as he travels the world trying to keep us safe. Thanks!!

Go Sabres!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so the Sabres won over Carolina on Saturday and the whole town was so excited! Me and 4 of my best friends (l-r) April, Nicole & Chris headed out Monday for a calorie free lunch. Yup, we hit the Sabres store and stocked up!! We all got matching pink Sabres hats and are wearing them again on Friday in honor of Chris' bachelorette party. We did lose game 2 on Monday night but hey, everyone has a bad day, right?! Here's 4 hot chicks who just know the Sabres are gonna kick tail and end this series in 5. GO SABRES!!!