Monday, January 18, 2010

January Marches On

January continues to march toward December and the new year feels much like the old one. I got to talk to Jeff (instant message really) this past Wednesday. He's miserable, hates his unit and just wants to come home. Well, that makes 2 of us babe. He wants to switch units when he gets back but that looks to mean a year's deployment to Korea.
Right now he's still working 24/7 and he's been all over northern Iraq. So much for being bored and never leaving the base! He's sharing a room with 3 other guys which also doesn't help the situation. It kills me that I can't help him but I've met a great group of gals who are in the same boat and assure me I'm doing the right thing and the only thing we can do.
Keep him and all our troops in your thoughts (positive only please) and prayers.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Bit Whirly

I can and I can't say that a lot has been going on. I'm back to work from winter break - also known as Christmas vacation for those who aren't afraid to use the "C" word. LOL
I continue to move forward with the plans that Jeff and I made before he deployed. I've found what looks to be a great apartment just outside Savannah and am still looking for a job - a major must for paying pesky things like bills. LOL
I've also started my next session in school, Business 115. I'm worried about how I'll do in this class because my 6yrs in the non-profit world have made me think more with my heart and my conscience than with my wallet. Oh don't get me wrong, I still want to stay ahead of the game and at least keep my head above water, but I worry more now about the people around me and less about the sources. I am concerned less with people research that no matter what is skewed. We can do all the research we want but now we present ath research skews the data even if we don't indend to.
More to follow!