Hello everyone! Last night I took dad to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert at HSBC arena. It was completly awesome! It is Pink Floyd meets Santa - or at least that's how Rob Lucas of Star 102.5 introduced it. The laser show was amazing, the pyrotech effects were out of this world and it was only made better by the music. Long haired rockers in tuxedo's made for a GREAT night! LOL They even made it snow INSIDE the arena!!!! We're going back again next year and taking the whole family with us. I heard some friends were going to be at the concert but not sure where they ended up sitting. Hope they had as great a time as we did. We sat in section 208 which was just in front of the stage. I'm so going for front row center next year! If you haven't heard them check out their site at www.trans-siberian.com. They've got a new cd coming out this summer called Night Castle and I can't wait to get it. Take a listen to their music. You'll be come a devotee to!!! Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!