Monday, November 10, 2008

Surgical Update

Well, it's been a while since my last update and I went to the dr. last week so here goes.
I've specifically stayed away from the scale because I didn't want to know. They tell you not to obsess with numbers so I'm not. Well I've had some troubles lately so they were more in the forefront of my mind then my actual weight loss. When I eat / drink I get queasy. The P.A. I saw thinks the "opening" where the intestines now attach is just swollen. She gave me a script and as soon as IHA gets their hiney in gear and gets me my insurance card I can fill it. I'm experiencing the typical hair loss and am assured I won't go bald. That it's an all over loss. If I need a wig at least I can call Rose! LOL
The best news of all, I'm 70lbs down!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!

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