Friday, March 27, 2009

Exploring a new me

I've been blessed that I haven't had trouble with my gastric bypass. The new found freedom I have from losing almost 100lbs over these past 8mos is that I can explore me. I'm taking a stand in and for myself. One love I'm learning to embrace and explore is art and all things arty. I've been fortunate enough to meet Simon Griffis of the Essex St Studio and can't wait to go to his Sculpture Park.

Last Saturday, my most arty friend and I took a trip to the new Burchfield Penney Art Gallery. What a total treat. We got to see the art, bounce off ideas on what we liked / didn't like and why. Basically we got to catch up. It's so great to see her blossoming and embracing her future as a mom. She looks so cute preggers to!! LOL

1 comment:

Christina said...

This was a great day! Glad you proposed it!!!