Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Fat People Unite!!!

I was online this a.m. and found an artcile about how the fashion industry is making size 00 to accomodate smaller people. It also stated that it was "cutting sizes bigger" to make heavier people feel better by wearing a "smaller size." They claimed that this was good for their self esteem. Well, here was my response to that!

I just finished reading your article on Vanity Dressing and was quite disturbed. I myself am a plus sized woman. While I'm not comfortable about my weight it's something I have to deal with. I'm shaped like my mother who's shaped like my grandfather - Strike 1 is genetics. I also have a poor functioning thyroid - Strike 2. So plus sized I am plus sized I live but to hear that the fashion industry is "cutting clothes larger" is a crock and plus size departments in moderate priced stores are rapidly. We as larger woman want to wear clothes that are just as cute as what you term "normal women." I used to enjoy shopping at Target which now seems to have no more than 3 racks of plus sized clothes that are mixed in with the mens department and the maternity department. Just because we're fat doesn't mean we have a penis under a beer gut or a baby in our belly. K*Mart?? Forget it. If you want to dress like you're over 60 go for it. Younger fat women - yes I'll say it, we're FAT - don't want flowers and stripes on our backsides. We don't want to wear the same shirts our grandmothers and elder aunts are wearing. We don't want to hear our elder neighbor lady go "Oh I just love that top! I have it in pink!" If the fashion industry wants to accomodate the "normal woman" go out there and see her. She's not the ritzy one shopping in Bloomies. She's trying to make ends meet by sticking to Target and Walmart. If gays can be "Queer & Here" why can't plus sized people be "Fat & Fabulous"? Perhaps if we weren't feeling pressured by the fashion industry more people would have higher self esteem, lose weight and not be embarrassed to shop in the plus sized department. We're not ogres to hid away. If you're that upset, go to your Yellow Pages and find the nearest shrink. I wish you the best of luck.
Jennifer A.
Buffalo, NY Age 25

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