Friday, June 30, 2006

Music Notes

So music preference was part of this morning's "meeting" that I have every day with my co-workers who come in early. One thing we realized that we all had in common was that we'll pretty much listen to just about anything! I'm not big on rap /gosple and Tom had no major preference. One of my favorite musical guru's has had a bad rap lately but I just don't believe it. Yup, it's Yanni. Greek born and totally wonderful both to see and hear. I've been to see his concert twice, once with my brother and once as a whole family. He portray's a range of emotion through his music and you can't help but ride along. So if you're looking for music you can relax to, clean to, shake your groove thing or just simply enjoy, check out and enjoy for hours. Remember me when you become addicted! LOL

1 comment:

All Things Jennifer said...

Yanni? REALLY?