Well, works pretty slow this week so I've pretty much been surfing the net. I haven't been to Chris' blog in a couple of weeks so I decided to jump on and see what's new. She had this link and I couldn't help but check it out. If you're a true Sabres fan, you'll LOVE this. If not, look elsewhere!!! LOL
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Travis goes to the mall
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I almost forgot the best part of Christmas 2006. Dad got us tickets to see the TSO concert again this year. Donald had to work so we ended up taking mom's friend Edna to the concert. Her husband Joe is dying of cancer and she really needed the night out. There were only a few changes from last year's show but it was no less enjoyable. I can hardly wait to go next year. This year we got to sit on the floor, row 40 in the end 5 seats. We all agreed that we'd rather sit in the 100 section because then there aren't people right in front of you but to be honest, who needs to see the musicians? The sweet music and amazing lights combine together for what can only be described as an Orgasm Set to Music. What else do you expect from a band billed as Pink Floyd Meets Santa??? LOL
Santa was gooooood!!!!!

Santa Jenn was good to dad this year. Now his frequent stops to Tim Horton's will reap more than a good coffee buzz! Yup, I got him 2 shares of Tim Horton's stock for Christmas. Now how to top that in just 3 short weeks for his birthday. Santa was good to me to. I got the tea kettle I wanted, one of those great new Kone Vacs from Target (www.target.com), some new clothes, a new radio, earmuffs and greatest of all..... tickets to see the Rockette's Christmas show up in Toronto. Mom, Kari & I are going this Saturday and we'll be back on Sunday afternoon. I can hardly wait. Hope Santa was as good to all of you as he was to us! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Ladies who Christmas Lunch

The girls and I had our annual Christmas / Secret Santa reveal lunch. Our group may be bigger this year but we didn't have any less fun. I still can't believe S'Morris was my secret santa! I was sure it was Yates!!! LOL We laughed, we ate, we laughed more and we ate more. All in all it was a great afternoon and I wouldn't trade a minute or a calorie of any of it. Merry Christmas to one and all.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
News from Iraq

eMOM sent me 11 more names in need of support via emails and cards. No problem! I sent emails then Christmas cards and as always, you never expect a response. It makes it that much more fun when someone does respond. Today I heard from Inspector General Miller. He's stationed in Iraq for a while longer yet but seems to have one of the less dangerous jobs....... if that's possible. Here he's at a building that's 5,000 years old!!! How come we can't get the asphalt to last longer than 1 winter before it's full of potholes and they've got buildings older than any of us can imagine? Keep up the great work I.G. Miller and as always............. Keep your spirits up and your butt down.
3rd Annual Christmas Party

Saturday was our 3rd Annual Christmas party. The truth is I invited a ton of people and hoped most didn't show up because I'd come down with a horrible cold. Looks like Santa grants wishes to all of us! My crew showed up plus Rosing and that was really all we wanted. The guys watched the hockey game, the girls nibbled then we all chowed down and watched the Dallas vs Atlanta game. All in all it was a great group and by 1:30 a.m. I had the photo's downloaded and emailed out. Curled up on the couch and slept in late the next morning. Ahhhhh.... that felt good.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Keeping it in perspective....
Sometimes I find that I get stressed and can snap at those around me. I feel bad for doing it but sometimes we just lose perspective a bit. When I was getting myself set up for work this morning I spotted something hanging up on my cubicle wall and for the first time in ages I read it. It helped me put things in perspective this morning and I think I'll make a habit of reading it each morning. Here's what it says:
There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
"Well," she said, "I t hink I'll braid my hair today." so she did and she had a wonderful day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw she had only two hairs on her head. "Hmmm" she said, " I think I'll part my hair down the middle today." So she did and she had a grand day.
the next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head. "Well," she said, " Today I'm going to wear my hair ina pony tail." So she did and she had a fun, fun day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed there wasn't a single hair on her head.
"YEAH!!" she exclaimed.
"I don't have to fix my hair today!"
Attitude is everything. Be kinder than necessary, fir everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
"Well," she said, "I t hink I'll braid my hair today." so she did and she had a wonderful day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw she had only two hairs on her head. "Hmmm" she said, " I think I'll part my hair down the middle today." So she did and she had a grand day.
the next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head. "Well," she said, " Today I'm going to wear my hair ina pony tail." So she did and she had a fun, fun day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed there wasn't a single hair on her head.
"YEAH!!" she exclaimed.
"I don't have to fix my hair today!"
Attitude is everything. Be kinder than necessary, fir everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Is it akin to rape???

So here's a serious question. In NYS you can't have your "baby bits & bots" if you're a woman without serious health risk until you are 35, married and have at least 1 child. Even if you have no maternal instincts or simply don't want children. I've never wanted them. For those who do I say "Go Head! Congrats! Best To Ya!" Does it mean that so me day I won't adopt? Nope. Maybe the right guy really will come along and we'll adopt a whole football team - wouldn't my brother love that! But the urge to be pregnant, to feel something moving inside you, get streatch marks, have hemhorroids and vomit? Not for me. You want streatch marks? Go get fat. You wanna vomit? Drink a bar dry. Lemme tell ya, I've got IBS (what they tell you when they have no clear answer for you) and that's enough inner activity for me. So here's my question: Is a doctor forcing you to keep your body "baby ready" akin to rape? It's not like we need more people in the world. Aren't they forcing you to do something that you don't want to do? I've been hearing it for years and I swear I may deck the next person who says "Oh, you'll change your mind when you meet that someone special." or "It's different when they're your own." I don't want orange carpet, I don't want metal pieces poking out of my flesh and I don't want to be pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave me & my uterus alone!!
Who needs an ordinary nutcracker???
Ok, so last night I was talking to my friend Jean online and I always try to check out my cousin Corrie's "Rant Space" as she calls it. It's her very own blog where she just let's it all out. I can always count on her for something fab to read and last night she didn't disappoint. In fact, I was laughing so hard at midnight I'm surprised she didn't hear me across the street! What was so funny you ask???? Well check it out for yourself! www.pimpmynutcracker.com
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Vu & Crew!!

Hi all. A while back, eMOM asked if I'd take on a couple new service members as penpals. Being the good American that I am I said sure! Send as many as you'd like. Well, I got 11 of them!!! LOL Here's a picture of Thy Vu and his crew over in the middle east. He another one of our great American Hero's who's making the sacrifice on our behalf to keep the world safe and free of chaos..... or at least trying to. To Vu and all of his crew I say Thanks! and my eMOM motto: Keep Your Spirits Up and Your Butt down! LOL
Healthy Tips for Holiday Eating

My friend Nicole was kind enough to share some great holiday eating tips to help us stay away from the dreaded Holiday Extra. Happy Eating!!
Healthy Tips for Holiday Eating
1) Red or White Wine- red
2) Mixed nuts/olives- olives
3) Soft/hard cheese- soft cheese
4) Cheese & crackers or crudites & dip- crudites & dip
5) Pigs in a blanket or mini quiches- mini quiches
6) Roast beef or ham- roast beef
7) Champagne or a cocktail- champagne
8) Sugar/Gingerbread cookie- gingerbread
9) Cocoa or eggnog- cocoa
10) candy cane or chocolate kisses- candy cane
Go Elf Yourself!!
Go Elf Yourself! You heard me! Go Elf Yourself!!! No, it's not some holiday way of telling you off, it's a new virtual toy from Office Max. Go wo www.elfyourself.com and you can upload a picture of your favorite - or not so favorite - person. Watch as the computer then superimposes their face onto a rhythym challenged elf in stripped tights. So far I've put on my friend Nicole's girls Ashley & Alexa. Then we put in our friend Sean's face. That's one of my favorites!! ^_* Go elf someone you love today! And thanks to my cousin Nikki for finding this site and sending it to me in the first place with her son Brandon's picture on it. He really does look like an elf!
Happy Holiday's!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Holiday's!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Metro Made Easy - My Ass
Allright, so this morning I leave the house at my normal time to catch my normal bus to start my normal day at work. Well, is anything actually normal? Anyway, the bus (Thruway Express #63) is due at my stop at 7:20 a.m. This morning? No Show. 20 minutes later I was too cold to wait anymore.... hello, it's only 12 degrees out.... and I jump on the next #5 that comes by. This will take me 3 times as long to get downtown but I need the heat. At this point my toes are cold enough to snap off with my next step! I finally make it downtown, wait another 10 minutes to cross Niagara Street, skate myway up Mohawk to Delaware and see a traffic jam. Perfect! Just what I need. God must have been smiling on me because a #25 Delaware was sitting there waiting to go through. We get flagged through after another 10 minutes of waiting - I don't care, it's heated - and we get to the new office building that they're putting up just down the road. The unions have been protesting this and in the beginning were blocking traffic. What do they do today? Yup! Why have 1 roadblock when you can have 2? All during morning rush hour traffic. I'd already called Rozzie to let her know I'd be late and what was going on. Turns out she's not even in today. I get into work and flop into my chair tired, cold and pissed off. "Metro Made Easy"..... my ass.
Winter is coming!!!

Winter is officially on it's way. We got socked with that surprise storm in October but now it's really on its way. We've had a few days where the snow's really come down and the temp is taking a serious nosedive at night. This morning when I left the house we were at a whopping 12 degrees!! It's going to be sunny over the weekend but not much warmer. Well, maybe we'll get a white Christmas this year after all! Last year it was actually too cold to snow!! Yup, it's possible to be that cold. LOL Oh, before I forget. This picture is of a street in Providence, R.I. where my friend Travis is from. If you have a second, stop by their website and look around. You'll really enjoy the photos. www.providenceri.com
Thursday, December 07, 2006
BRRLLF Banquet

On Saturday, December 2nd, the Black Rock Riverside Little League Football had their annual banquet at the Convention Center. Not exactly a prime location but it was extra special for us this year. It was Donald's first year as Head Coach. It was his job to give the speech and hand out the trophies. Leave it to him to find a deep purple shirt and gold tie!!!! LOL He said something special to and about each of his players and didn't fail to mention that, despite the you-know-what who runs Tyro's decision, they were the 2006 Champions. You know what? He's not wrong. Congrats to coach Don, coach Ken, Coach Jon and Coach Bob (hope I didn't miss one) and all the players of the BRRLLF Knights 90lb division. We're so proud of you. Here's to next season!!
Monday, December 04, 2006

My friend Joe is having the experience of a lifetime teaching in Kyoto Japan. Since he doesn't work on the weekend and really doesn't know too many people, he has plenty of time to travel and see the sights around him. This is just one of the amazing pictures he's taken. There's over 900 in just one group. This one just reminded me of "harmony." A house that looks so calm and at ease with itself in the wild riot of color in the trees around it. Here's hoping I get to visit some day.
A belated Happy Thanksgiving

Sorry this is a bit late folks but I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. This year we went to my aunt Sue & uncle Bob's for dinner. My cousin Rob even helped cook! Everything was great and - as has become an annual tradition - my sister Kari tried to wake up aunt Sue's Furby. It was a rough night for the little fellow as you can see. He fell off the wagon and started hitting the bottle again. Oh well, he gets until next Christmas to try and recover. LOL
Friday, December 01, 2006
Weird Article
Got this from my cousin Nikki. Talk about a psycho. ~J
Hired hit man warns woman instead of killing her
Associated PressNov. 28, 2006 02:38 PM
ALLEN, Texas - A woman found a stranger in her bedroom, but the man said he was there to warn her that he had been hired to kill her, police said."Your husband wants you murdered," the man told Roxane Sterling on Nov. 21, according to police reports.He told Sterling, who is eight months' pregnant, to call police.
Her husband, Albert Jackson Sterling II, was arrested in Alamogordo, N.M., on two counts of criminal solicitation of murder - one for his wife and another for their unborn child, authorities said.Authorities said the man who warned Sterling was not charged with a crime. They did not release his name."He did not go there with the intent to murder her," said Capt. Robert Flores. "He went with the intent to warn her."The man had entered the family's empty house while Sterling was out and her husband and their 3-year-old son were visiting relatives in New Mexico.Investigators said Albert Sterling, 38, had offered the man a large amount of money to kill his wife and had helped him get into the house in this Dallas suburb.
Hired hit man warns woman instead of killing her
Associated PressNov. 28, 2006 02:38 PM
ALLEN, Texas - A woman found a stranger in her bedroom, but the man said he was there to warn her that he had been hired to kill her, police said."Your husband wants you murdered," the man told Roxane Sterling on Nov. 21, according to police reports.He told Sterling, who is eight months' pregnant, to call police.
Her husband, Albert Jackson Sterling II, was arrested in Alamogordo, N.M., on two counts of criminal solicitation of murder - one for his wife and another for their unborn child, authorities said.Authorities said the man who warned Sterling was not charged with a crime. They did not release his name."He did not go there with the intent to murder her," said Capt. Robert Flores. "He went with the intent to warn her."The man had entered the family's empty house while Sterling was out and her husband and their 3-year-old son were visiting relatives in New Mexico.Investigators said Albert Sterling, 38, had offered the man a large amount of money to kill his wife and had helped him get into the house in this Dallas suburb.
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