Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Is it akin to rape???

So here's a serious question. In NYS you can't have your "baby bits & bots" if you're a woman without serious health risk until you are 35, married and have at least 1 child. Even if you have no maternal instincts or simply don't want children. I've never wanted them. For those who do I say "Go Head! Congrats! Best To Ya!" Does it mean that so me day I won't adopt? Nope. Maybe the right guy really will come along and we'll adopt a whole football team - wouldn't my brother love that! But the urge to be pregnant, to feel something moving inside you, get streatch marks, have hemhorroids and vomit? Not for me. You want streatch marks? Go get fat. You wanna vomit? Drink a bar dry. Lemme tell ya, I've got IBS (what they tell you when they have no clear answer for you) and that's enough inner activity for me. So here's my question: Is a doctor forcing you to keep your body "baby ready" akin to rape? It's not like we need more people in the world. Aren't they forcing you to do something that you don't want to do? I've been hearing it for years and I swear I may deck the next person who says "Oh, you'll change your mind when you meet that someone special." or "It's different when they're your own." I don't want orange carpet, I don't want metal pieces poking out of my flesh and I don't want to be pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave me & my uterus alone!!

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