My cousin Nikki lives in Austin who's city slogan is "Keep Austin Weird." I love to tease her that as long as she's got her address there, Austin's weird enough! LOL One thing that I really admire about her though is her love of fitness, especially running. She's got me tuned into Runners World. I like to go online and read the Kristin Armstrong blog on there. She speaks so freely about her love of running, how it's helped her through tough times and brings her together with friends. It's her own outlet. I've been searching for a new outlet for years. Ever since I had knee surgery and had to end what I was sure was a life career of dancing. So much for my dream of becoming a Rockette. For me it was real. I often wondered though that sometimes runners seem to be obsessed. What's a fat girl to do? I hardly have the body to slip into spandex bike shorts, Ok, maybe they're not spandex anymore or at least a better blend, but either way, I'm more a sweatsuit in the shower kinda girl. Besides, I'm a 42 DD!!! A couple sports bras aren't gonna cut it here. I've always been interested in trying something new but running? It's a possibility. Heck, I've got a treadmill in the basement. To be honest, I feel lately like I'm living in a fog. Every night we say the same things, watch the same programs and the same dumb comments are invariably said about the same dumb commercials that come on. Weight loss surgery shows have become a norm on our living room television. The funny part? There's usually ice cream in the freezer and a bag or two if chips in the kitchen. I've felt disconnected from my best girlfriends to. Nicole's married to Phil and they've got 2 of the cutest kids I've ever laid eyes on. Caron's married to Andy an they're expecting their first baby. If the new sonogram pix are accurate we're in for another heartbreaker folks. April's married to Dan and while I love her like a sister, all she talks about is having a baby. Chris is married to Steve and while they have no immediate plans for a family, they're doing their own grad school thing living just this side of bohemian. Here I am. Single, don't drive, not dating much less married. How do I fit in? Where's my identity? I hate complaining, especially to Travis or Iggy. They're both in the military and while Trav is safe in Korea, Iggy's over in Iraq. For every complaint I have, I see something worse for someone else. Maybe running's what I need. That release that's just me and calorie free. Now that I've got an MP3 player - albeit a crappy one I bought on eBay - I can slip on the headphones and step onto the treadmill. Heck, I'll even be extra good and throw in a load or two of laundry. What are my chances of just getting to run and not having to hold a conversation.
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