Monday, March 10, 2008

Snowplows in Buffalo

Since about Wednesday, all of the news channels (2,4 & 7) have been talking about the upcoming snow storm. So my question is, where were the plows? The storm that was supposed to start on Friday night at 8:00 actually started on Friday morning. I know because we all watched out the windows at work as the morning commute looked like something taking place in a snowglobe. By the time we left the office we had snow that was ankle deep...... but no plows. When I woke up Saturday my porch was 1/2 gone and the plows were still a no-show. Thinking we just hadn't had our own street plowed, we headed off the the Bandits game to celebrate Kari's birthday.... downtown wasn't much better. Did the plows drive through here? Sunday brought more snow but still no plows..... See a theme? Finally, at 12:30 a.m. Monday morning, we got plowed. Well, let me correct myself. A snow plow went down our street. Heck, even a salt truck went down our street. Yet tonight as I drove up to Rite Aid to get my perscription and then to Target to get trouser socks for mom, the roads were no clearer. People were parked on both sides of the street and couldn't get along the curb. Now that we've narrowed the road with cars on both sides and snow that should have been plowed I now add one more element. The oversided truck. I'm all for bigger & better (just look at my thighs lol) but are they needed? Buffalo is an old city with narrow streets that can't accomodate these guys in weather like this. Before I get off on yet another rant, let me return to my original question. Where were the plows?

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