Thursday, April 05, 2007

Put out an APB!!!!

Today I arrived and nothing was amiss. Soon, my friend Bill calls me from the front desk saying that he got a call but nothing came up on the caller ID. Odd since this is a place of business but the caller said "Tell Jenn I have her chicken." As I was talking to him my other line rang and it was the myster caller "I have your chicken. Further instructions to follow." Well, shortly there after I get an email from our Major Gifts area scan / copier "2 boxes of pledge cards by noon or the chicken dies." Now, not feeling well things are a bit funnier than normal but it only gets better from here. About 20 minutes later I get another note on my chair "Noon or it's chicken for lunch." This just gets better & better!!! So, about 15 minutes ago I'm standing at a friend's desk when the VP of Investments comes over and says she has a message...."Don't forget noon." She then sends me a Happy Meal bag containing........ chicken nuggets!!! I sit down at my desk and had noticed my friend Jean down the row was on the phone. A few minutes later my phone rings and it's a male voice..."I know where the chicken is" and the AFLAC duck in the background. I know it's H's voice so this just makes it funnier!! Well, it's now 12:02 and I'm waiting on the captors to collect their ransom. More to follow.....

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