Last night my best friend April called me and said she was in an accident and wouldn't be at work today. I was more worried about her than work at that point. A guy hit her on the drivers side door making an illegal turn and has totaled her car. Here's the scary part. I've always considered Jeeps to be a safe & great car. One of my dream cars really. As it turns our her airbags didn't deploy when she got hit, nor did they deploy when she'd been flung across the street and hit a pole. The worst part was that her seat belt failed and came unhooked. She ended up in her husbands lap and he was in the passenger seat. So far everyone seems fine, the car's totaled and she's waiting for the guy who hit her to file an accident report so that she can get a rental car. The ironic part? She was trading it in a few weeks from now to get a new one. Hmm... maybe Jeep should look into these cars a bit more.
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