Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A new stance

I've been looking at various blogs and I've noticed something. While ones like my friend Smithy (allthingsjennifer) cover a variety of topics, they stay in a general arena. Same with my friend Chris (linked to the right). Mine is a bit of a mish-mosh that touches on a ton of things but is serious about nothing. Well, I'm finally getting serious.

We often have symptoms we ignore or when we finally do go to the doctor, maybe we're afraid to say anything because we think that no one in the world has what we have. Well, why? I find this insane and have decided to speak out about what I've got in hopes that others will go to their doctor, get diagnosed and not be afraid. What have I got that's so important? Hashimoto's and PCOS. I won't go into detail but here's a couple of articles you might want to look at in your spare time. Leave me a comment on my post and let's spread the word. You are NOT alone.



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