This past Saturday, dad took it all off, all his hair that is, for a great cause. St. Baldrick's is a non-profit organization that raises money for researching cures to childhood cancer. This year was especially special to us. My cousin Jeff's co-worker has a little boy named Jon Jon (pictured here) who has a tumor IN his brain stem. The doctor's have given him no more than 15 months. :-( That being said, Twin City paramedics banded together litterally and figuratively. They sold wrist bands with Jon Jon's Journey on them for $5 (www.jonjonsjourney.com) and they got together to shave their heads in a show of support. Dad - who never likes to see children suffer - didn't hesitate to join in the cause. Raising over $300, he joined over 40 people on April 26th to show their support for cancer patients everywhere. The great part was that women shaved their heads to! The Niagara University hockey team also showed up and 3 of their members shaved their heads to. Kari of course got her picture taken with them.... but that's another story for another post! Check out this annual event at www.stbaldricks.org and spread the word!
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