Monday, February 05, 2007

Afraid to hug??

I was playing a quick game of Jewel Quest last night - taking a break from making a friend's baby blanket - when my sister asked me for a hug. She was laying on the couch and I think she just was't feeling so great but it got me to thinking. When did we become afraid to hug? Or to just ask for a hug for that matter? An adult who goes around hugging people is given weird looks and has their sanity questioned but as kids we're fearless, we don't care and we hug freely and asked to be hugged in return without thoughts of our request being rejected. At what point do we develop that fear? Is it our teenage years when we're "too cool"? Is is our 20's when we're too busy trying to make sure we're on the right path for life and making headway. I haven't gotten into my 30's yet but I'm pretty sure the fear developes before then. But as adults we have fewer hugs and more cups of coffee. We need the buzz of a cup of coffee to keep us going, going, going. So the question then morphs into ..... Is Coffee the New Hug???

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