Monday, February 12, 2007

A bathing suit for Kari

We went shopping yesterday for a bathing suit for Kari. Her birthday's 2/19 and she's having it at a local indoor waterpark. She'll be 11 so keep that number in mind. As we went to K*Mart, there were NO suits. So we went to Target and guess what, the little girl ones just weren't cutting it. We had to go to the women's department. Yikes! First of all, mom wasn't ready for the sticker shock. She hasn't bought a bathing suit of her own in ages. Well, we found a really nice chocolate brown one for $20 ($10 a piece because of course they don't sell them as sets anymore) which kari really liked. She's an adult Small!!!!! The bottoms fit well but the area we were really trying to cover was a bit north. Yikes! Talk about growing up fast. She's 10 going on 20! To all those who have baby girls, look out!

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