Thursday, June 14, 2007

Marth Moment turned Good

As all my friends & family can attest, I see something on a home improvement show and think "Hey, I can do that." I call these my Martha Moments and they rarely turn out. My dining room chairs were 2nd hand from my cousin Melissa who didn't take care of the set at all. Well, I get a Martha Moment and think "I can re-stain that and probably recover the chair cushins to. Why not?" IT WORKED!!!!! Here's a before & after shot of the chairs. I did the re-staining myself and mom helped with the re-covering of the cushins. Don't they look great?! The best part is that the fabric is normall $10 a yard and I got it on sale for 50% off. Now doesn't that make them look even better! :-)

1 comment:

All Things Jennifer said...

They look wonderful! :)