Friday, August 17, 2007

Iced Coffee

Since dad's surgery, he's become quite the lover of iced coffee's. So far he thinks McDonald's has the best but honestly, if you are getting 2 a day, the $3 price tag can add up. So, with that in mind, I offer you the Abbott Iced Coffee:

A 16-20 oz tumbler (plastic)
a teaspoon of Sanak instant coffee
Fill about half way with cold water
mix until dissolved.
Add a dash of your favorite flavoring (I'm a nut for hazelnut!)
add 1/2 & 1/2 to desired coloring / taste
stir & chill.



Creating A New Me said...

Thanks for the recipe! I have to agree with your dad though, Mcdonald's Iced Coffe IS the best thing they have on the menu!! I had abolished McDonald's from my diet -- until I saw the sign saying they now have Iced Coffee! Now I can hardly stand driving by them!! I'll have to try your recipe. It would save me a LOT of money!!


Jenn said...

Shannon -
great to get the word out. he's thinking of opening an eatery for people who've had bariatric surgery. stay tuned!