Thursday, August 09, 2007

US Postal Story

Too cute not to share.

>THIS IS A U.S. POSTAL SERVICE STORY>> Our dog, Abbey, died August 23, and the day after Abbey died, my> 4 year old, Meredith, was SO upset. She wanted to write a letter to> God so that He would recognize Abbey in heaven. She told me what to> write, and I did.>> Then she put 2 pictures of Abbey in the envelope. We addressed> it to God in Heaven, put two stamps on it because, as she said, it> could be a long way to heaven. We put our return address on it, and> I let her put it in the drop box at the post office that afternoon.>> She was absolutely sure that letter would get to heaven, and I> wasn't about to disillusion her.>> So today is Labor Day. We took the kids to the museum in> Austin, and when we came home, there was a package wrapped in gold on> our front porch. It was addressed to Meredith. So... she took it> inside and opened it. Inside was a book, When Your Pet Dies by Mr.>Rogers (Fred Rogers).> Inside the front cover was the letter we had written to God, in its> opened envelope. On the opposite page was one of the pictures of> Abbey taped on the page. On the back page was the other picture of> Abbey, and this handwritten note on pink paper:>> "Dear Meredith, I know that you will be happy to find out that> Abbey arrived safely and soundly in heaven. Having the pictures you> sent to me was a big help! I recognized Abbey right away! You know,> Meredith, she isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me, just> like it stays in your heart... young and running and playing. Abbey> loved being your dog, you know.>> Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any> pockets to keep things in. So... I am sending you your beautiful> letter back with the pictures so that you wi ll have this little> memory book to keep. One of my angels is taking care of this for me.>> I hope this little book will help.> !> Thank you for your beautiful letter. Thank your mother for> sending it. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially>for you.>> Signed,> God>>> This is a true story, I love that we have angels among us, some of>them even work at the Post Office!

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