Friday, August 17, 2007

Solo Driver

Last night Kari needed to go to the grocery store to get chips for her end of summer picnic at camp. Well, mom was too tired to take her and dad, having just gotten back from his walk, wanted to water the lawn. Donald was as of yet still at practice so guess who that fell to. Yup! Yours truly. Well, it was a bit nerve racking but you know what? The confidence started to work it's way into my bones and while I'm still very cautious about doing the speed limit exactly, I was feeling pretty good by the time I got home. My only Oops! moment was when I got home and my father asked what I'd forgotten. I figured it was to use my blinker before I pulled into the parking spot. Nope. I'd forgotten to turn on my lights. Oh well, if the 4 police cars I passed didn't care, I'm kosher! LOL

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