Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Back in Buffalo

Hi everyone. I'm finally back in Buffalo and aside from my cousin, the only thing I really miss about Austin is the warmth!! LOL Ok, and Massage Envy, and Hannah D's, and Colver's. When I left Austin it was 80 and sunny; arriving in Buffalo when it was 48 and raining wasn't too much fun. I did get to do something really great though. Mom & dad picked me up with Kari because Donald had a board meeting for football. We went straight out to the dance studio because for their anniversary, dad purchased ballroom lessons for him & mom. Isn't that sweet!! 32 years and they're still newlyweds. :-) Well, there really wasn't a place for Kari & I to sit since it's so small in there. We sat on a bench outside & I helped (more like watched in horror) as she did her math homework. I haven't been out of school that long but when she starts her math homework I feel like I'm 100 years old. Mom & dad did great. Once the lesson had ended, Kari & I went inside and mom showed me the Fred Astair room. My bedroom is painted but a bit of a mush when it comes to a theme. Well, I found it. I want to make it look like a dressing room you'd see back stage and hang up b&w prints of Fred & Ginger. I've got my autographed Ginger photo somewhere.

Ok, on to the medical front. I was so busy this weekend I hardly remembered to take my synthroid but it didn't seem to matter. I didn't take my metformin because I felt so sick the last time I took it & didn't want it to ruin my weekend. Gotta get back on track & I'm so glad my doctor doesn't read this! Ladies & gentlemen, don't get off routine, I'm really bad about this and that's something I need to pay better attention to. I also need to make sure I focus on the gym. I thought I'd been doing so well until I got in the plane. The seats seemed smaller (or are my hips bigger?) and the seatbelts seem shorter ( or am I rounder?) I'm going to give myself until the middle of February. If I don't see a marked change by then, I'm going to talk to my primary about the gastric bypass like dad had. I'll of course have to go through the same steps and my only fear is that the insurance will decline me. I don't have heart disease (that I know of but of course will have to be checked for), I don't have high blood pressure (that's the best part about me), I don't have sleep apena (as far as I know but when I'm stuffed up I can snore to drown out the navy! lol). I am more than 100 lbs overweight (1 of 5 morbidity factors) and I can't remember what the last one is. Dad stopped talking about them when he rattled off 4 and said he had them all. Mom's thinking of doing it in the spring and that would actually be perfect for me as that's our slow time at work. I'd only have to be out 2 weeks because I work at a desk...... already got the PTO saved up! This isn't something I'm jumping into so please don't think I'm taking the easy road. I've watched dad go through the process so I'm very aware of what's ahead if I do this. The first day won't be too bad except for the waiting to go into surgery. The 2nd day will be hell because that's when the drugs really wear off. The 3rd day is when I get the blue popsicle and can tell if I'll go home. After that it's a lot of walking, no driving and taking it easy. Life won't be the same but I know my family will support me. Dad's done all the research and I know Caruana is the best in the business so I have no fear there. The important thing is that I'm too young to be this old. I've got a list of things I want to do in life (I crossed 2 off this weekend: Visit Austin, TX and Ride an elephant). Time to get moving on more. I've hired a couple of financial advisors - one's pretty cute to! - and have really made up my mind to get get my financial act together. I've pushed off & on for years when it comes to my medical health so I've just got to buckle down there. I'll keep you posted as I go forward.

For those of you who are curious, I didn't get to meet Iggy on my trip but that's ok. I'm still holding out for Travis. ^_-

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