Thursday, December 13, 2007

Makeover Mayham or Magic?

Last weekend things were going really well in regards to our bathroom make over and I thought we'd actually have it all done in time for the party on Saturday. Think again. On Monday dad was framing in the shower and hit a pipe. No big deal normally but it pulled one end out of the end from another pipe and we had a leak. It all dried out but here's the funny part. My mother and I were in the kitchen downstairs and she asked me to bring up the laundry basket. "Sure" I said, "just let me go to the bathroom because I've really got to pee." Well, you can guess what happened. That's when the pipes came apart and yours truly was right underneath.
Did I mention that on Sunday when we ran the water through for the first time to check for leaks, I'd turned the one shut off valve the wrong way and got a face full of ice cold water. Heck guys, if I stunk you could have just said so. I'd have taken a shower on my own! LOL

So tonight my father & brother got the pipes put back together, the heating vent is in, the new ceiling is up- and the walls are painted (for the most part) but we still won't be ready in time for Saturday. Instead of tile we'll put carpet down to cover the subfloor - sorry chris and those who read this & attend lol - and the walls won't be perfect but it'll be functioning and look totally different from the last time anyone's seen in. In fact, there's a lot of changes between this year & last. The fish are now gone (anyone want a 55 gallon tank?), the bathroom looks completly different, we've got a new light fixture in the dining room thanks to dad and I think that might have been in. Originally I included the bathroom being done in that list but a few more weeks and we should be all set to go. Good thing because on January 15th it's mom's turn to host the ladies from school and they'll be here. Kari's having a couple girlfriends sleep over for her birthday and I said they could be upstairs to keep them out of my mother's hair. Then before you know it, April will be here and it'll be my turn to host the annual girls night again. It's honestly one of my favorite nights of the year, right next to Christmas. We just let loose and have fun.
Ahh..... more to come.
Happy Holidays!!!

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