Monday, July 31, 2006

Unions, a good thing or not?

So, my position at work is a union one and I didn't really have a choice but to join. Well, our alternate, Kim, left to work for Adelphia Communications - Time Warner as of tomorrow (8/1) - and our Steward Syl has finally made it to management. In my own personal opinion, no great loss there. Well, now we need a new Steward. Two people at work whom I thought were friends, figured they'd railroaded me into going for it at our union meeting Friday. Guess again! I don't want to take time away from my family at night. I don't want to sit in class on Labor Law and I really don't think we should be encouraging immagrants to come in chasing the American Dream. Hell, there's Americans who can't have the American Dream, do we really want to offer it to others. If your country's so bad, do what we did, fix it! Sure we left England for the most part but we didn't complain that things weren't the way we want them and hightail it to Canada. To the migrant janitor in Houston my union says I should support I say Good Luck. To my union, I say drop your drawers and yank until you implode. I can't wait to get out of it.


All Things Jennifer said...

Oh Jen, I agree 100%....and the fact that we need a union here is crazy to me in the first place, but for the fact that it is a *political* move.

I am SOOOOOOOOO glad to be out! Actually, my position of all was the worse, if I had to take a break I needed to find someone and while you were ALWAYS helpful, there were many who well, were not.

DONT GET SUCKED IN!!! If you cant even get a steward maybe they can reconsider how things are done in the first place!

Jenn said...

I knew I could count on my Smithy to understand!