Thursday, September 21, 2006

Dalai Lama comes to Buffalo

The Dalai Lama was in Buffalo for 3 days this week. A lot of people I know when to see him. What a once in a lifetime experience. While I wasn't one of the lucky ones this time around, here's what my friend Chris had to say about it:

Last night, I went to an interfaith service requested and attended by the Dalai Lama. Over six thousand people attended the service. people of various faiths and backgrounds and ages. What struck me was the Dalai Lama's call for religious harmony. he stressed that we are all "from the same family" as humanity, and the closer we are to our own religions, the more peace and understanding we can bring to the world around us. he also encouraged the exchange of ideas. He believes in learning about other faiths, that this is a key to promoting better undnerstanding and the ultimate goal of harmony. (Think:The world is shrinking)Six thousand people prayed for peace and meditated together, it struck me --how powerful we are when we come together in prayer.

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