Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ya gotta love those sneaky Marines!!

My brother forwarded me an email that showed our Marines at their finest. As my cousin Corrie would say "You can insult people without calling them bad names." Check out what our brilliant, yet sneaky Marines did and keep in mind - when muslim men see a naked woman, they're apparently supposed to kill themselves. hmm.......


Sneaky Marine said...

Hi. Not sure if I have contacted you before about "Those Sneaky Marines" but I am the one who painted those helicopters in Ras al-Ghar, Saudi Arabia, December 1990. I have these pictures plus three more at my web-site: www.bleedingonion.com if you are interested.

Happy Holidays!


Sneaky Marine said...

Hi. Not sure if I have contacted you before about "Those Sneaky Marines" but I am the one who painted those helicopters in Ras al-Ghar, Saudi Arabia, December 1990. I have these pictures plus three more at my web-site: www.bleedingonion.com if you are interested.

Happy Holidays!
