Here's another post from One Marine's View. Makes ya think! - J
Listen people, are you happy eating greasy burgers, driving whatever car you like, living where you want, and saying what you feel? Then by god show some respect and fly a US Flag, it won’t kill you. In many countries, if you fly another country’s flag, you could get shot. This won’t happen here (except for maybe in L.A).
After 9.11 every house had a flag as everyone used it to help “get through” the events of the time. Now, where is that flag???? On your drive to work, count the number of American flags you see. If you can’t count more than 20, then you will get the drift. Its simple, since you probably don’t fly a flag 24/7/365, how about pushing out of your freaking comfort zone this weekend and spend the 10 min it takes to put up an American flag. They cost a whopping $10 at Lowe’s, Home Depot and the mother of all stores, WalMart. It’s contagious. If you do it I guarantee it your neighbor will also. Besides, its only your country, those who have died defending it, the forefathers who created it, the one who will go in the future to defend it, that you are honoring.
If you don’t know much about putting up a flag or haven’t ever put up a flag, first kick your own ass up and down the street because you have obviously taken advantage of what you have here and have no clue what life would be like to not have your freedom. Second, get your sorry butt to the store, get a screwdriver and put the flag up. Third, give yourself another lashing……….your parents would be so disappointed you sorry maggot!
Highlight this post, post it on your blogs, link to it, email it, call it your own, I don’t care, but get the word to your other non flying, non patriotic, Im going to live here and not show any respect buddies out there and get their butts to put a flag up as well!!!
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