Friday, September 26, 2008

Grey's Gone Bad

Last night I anxiously awaited the start of Grey's Anatomy's new season. To say it was lacking would be a bit of an understatement. There were weird flashback and flash-forwards. Christina meets Major Hunky after getting impaled by an icicle and then there's Rose. Remember her? The OR nurse that McDreamy had a brief fling with between him and Meredith's 50th break up? She goes a bit psycho then transfers to peds. Hmm..... Chief goes crazy because he's not #1 anymore and promises a shake up. Hahn and Cali persue a lesbian relationship but both are nervous. Maybe I need to re-watch the end of last season but wasn't Hahn already a lesbian? Either way it was a bit confusing and had me reaching for my crochet. If this is what the season's gonna be like, I see an E.R. coming. When they started having "major disasters" and the main characters started disappearing. We all know what happened to E.R., it's being cancelled.
To the writers...... please don't screw with this. In a world where just about everything sucks, how about some happiness and peace. In an episode or two?

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