Friday, November 03, 2006

One Day Off......

Yesterday I had an IBS flare up so I took the day off. No problem since I've got tons of time off anyway. I slept until noon when my mother called to make sure I was still alive. A few minutes after that my cell phone rings and the caller ID shows my best friend Caron so I answer without hesitation. Problem. Damon - our Admin Exec Asst - is downstairs panicking because he lost yet another packet for a big meeting that's taking place this afternoon. He is asking for one thing, really means something else, I'm trying to talk him through finding what he needs only for him to get an attitue because I'm not right there for him! What nerve!!! No sooner do I hang up from that "fun time" then my phone rings again showing my friend Caron (I think she's calling to check up on me) but it's our marketing guy looking for something we used last year. So much for sleep!! I didn't mind Mr. V. calling to see if I had something, especially since he probably had a meeting and he's such a great guy. But it's off to HR to discuss the issue of Mr. Fancy Pants he's lost countless packets (well to be less dramatic it's really only 4), he's gotten an attitude with and pissed off each member of the Support Staff team and walks around like he's the Queen Bee! Lemme tell ya something, being a "Queen" doesn't actually make you one.

1 comment:

Mike O'Connell said...

Stopped by to visit your blog this morning. It is interesting and fun.
Nice to have folks around who don't take the TOO seriously! Ill check back again and see how you are doing! Have a great day!
I am