Monday, November 27, 2006

A very happy Thanksgiving

I didn't get to post before so I'll send my Thanksgiving day wishes belated. Hope you all had as great a day as we did. Sleeping in late was a much needed treat. Worked on a friend's afghan for Christmas, watched a couple of movies, then it was off to the showers and out the door at 4:30 to my aunt & uncle's for dinner at 5:00. It was great to relax, just the 8 of us. My cousin Rob helped cook dinner this year and it was pretty great. Bring on the desserts!!!! And I do mean that plural. Dad made this new pumpkin cake recipe he'd found. My aunt made her traditional apple & cherry pies. Then she threw in a banana cream pie, chocolate cream pie and something else. There was such a whirlwind of sugar it's amazing we slept at all that night! We left about 8:45 and were shocked when we opened the door! The fog was so thick you couldn't see the bottom of the steps from the porch. Thank God we live close! Mom had wanted to go out to CompUSA to look at a cell phone accessory for dad for Christmas but not in that fog! So we snuggled in and watched Grey's Anatomy then Brothers & Sisters and off to bed. Sorta ! I like to put the Christmas tree up at midnight after Thanksgiving. It's too heavy to carry down from the attic myself so I had to wait. I did put up some bows though!!! Well I had to put something up to get the decorating started!! `J

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