Yesterday I had the great pleasure of helping my friend Chris out. She's a member of the Junior League of Buffalo and this month they're having their 14th Annual Decorators Showhouse. This year's lucky winner was the Silverthorn Mansion right here on Delaware Ave - formerly known as Millionaire's Row. Each year, local decorators compete to be able to decorate one room in the house of choice. Once those decorators are chosen, they are assigned a room and it's off to the races. Chris & I had the pleasure of touring the house before it opened for last night's viewing and we both agreed that we got some really great ideas. A lot of the deocrators went with a 1920's theme and had mirrored nightstands / dressing tables. One room became my favorite, among others, as it was all pink and the closet had been turned into a craft room! It had wooden dowel from which wrapping paper and ribbons hung. Drawers held crafting supplies from scissors to scrapbook paper to glue and markers. Another room Chris & I really enjoyed was the artist retreat. That closet had been turned into a Moroccan themed meditation room. Alas we weren't assigned to either one. We were assiged to the Master Suite which was the bedroom, master bath and Lady's retreat. We were joined by another volunteer and happily split into the three rooms. The bedroom's biggest "item" was the wallpaper which was black with large pineapples on it. A very love it or hate it situation there. The bathroom was beautiful in warm beige tile imported from Turkey. I was in the Lady's Retreat (former closet / former kitchen) who's walls were padded........ a sign they knew I was coming? LOL All in all it was a great time. By the end of the night my feet were rebeling but I'd do it again just for the chance. If you've got time, I highly suggest this little jaunt or if you don't, make some. Tickets are only $15 and a guided tour included a docent to take you through all 3 fabulous floors. Be aware though that there are no elevators and a lot of stairs. Details can be found on the Junior League website www.jlbuffalo.org .
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