Thursday, May 24, 2007

"Amen Sister!"

Last Friday 18 of us trekked down to the African American Cultural Center on Masten Avenue to see our friend Renita in her latest production, Amen Sister! Sweet little Renita (anyone who knows her is now laughing) plays Sister Ester, the eldest member of the Shiloh Baptist Church Women's Board. The whole play is based around her and 3 other members who need to vote on accepting a new member to replace one that has passed. Renita steps way out of character and plays an evil woman who doesn't want change and seems to have a large crush on the unseen Rev. Parker. Played perfectly, Amen Sister! offers tears, laughter, a good tug on the heart-strings and a feeling of contentment all in 2hrs. This is the last weekend that it's playing so if you get the chance, run down and see it before it's gone. Great Job 'Nita!!!

We took pictures with her and the cast and as soon as she gets them emailed from the center, I'll be sure to post one.

After the play we drove down to Chippewa with the dream of a Chocolatini at the Chocolate Bar which we found crowded.... no shock for a Friday night. We strolled up & down for a few minutes (no one wanted to pay $15 cover charge) and ended up at Baccus for a glass of wine. The laughter flowed faster than the wine and a great time was had by all. Yates & I rode with April and at 1:00 a.m. the "hungries" hit so we all went our separate ways and the 3 of us headed to Jim's Steak Out. Yummmmm. Not an everyday experience but for once in a while it was the treat you need to unwind from a long week. Give it a try!

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