Almost 2 years ago I started selling Home Interiors. A great and easy way to have fun and make some extra cash, right? Wrong! Since I started there's been one problem after another. Just about every one of my orders has been shorted. Not a candle here or a candle there. I could deal with that. I'm talking boxes were missing from the delivery. I'd let my unit director LM know and she assured me she'd let Home Office know, that I'd get credit on my account and can then use that money to re-order at anytime. Well, over the course of time I've built up quite a bit of money and used it to place two orders, one rather large and one to replace what was sent to me in error. Now they want me to pay for these orders..... again! What I try to explain - and maybe it's a southern thing that they don't get it - is that I've paid for full orders, not received full orders, received "credit" for missing merchandise and used that "credit" to place my orders. The latest is that I got a call at 7:30 last night from a nice lady named Natalia who said "Oh no. This is more like a credit card. For each order you place you earn credits." Hmm..... that's a new one to me! What about the merchandise I didn't receive? I didn't get the items later, nor did I receive my money back. Shouldn't I get one or the other, items or money back? Now I have yet another person I need to try and contact and try to get this straightened out. I've got a fundraiser on hold with 1,500 kids. They're gonna be pretty upset if something they've got planned falls apart this close to kick-off date. Keep your fingers crossed!
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