I was talking to my brother this weekend about football and what was going on since the parks were closed. They haven't been on the field in over a week. Friday night there was a meeting of all the league presidents with the Tyro prez Rick. Apparently the Head Dick decided to just flat out end the season. No play-off's, no Tyro Bowl against the top two teams, nothing. Just over. Boy was my brother pissed and so were the parents that he had to call and tell them their kids, who'd worked so hard all season, were getting jipped out of their shot at their 15 minutes of fame. Did it ever occure to him to call the Bills and see if we could borrow their practice dome for an afternoon? Apparently not. I know there's a lot of anger flowing around, let's see if anything comes of it. If nothing else, I think Rick should step down. Doesn't sound like his hearts in it.
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