Saturday, December 29, 2007
DHL Disaster
Dad phone got stolen when he was at work right before Christmas. We called and Asurion was nice enough to send a replacement right out. Thank God for insurance. Phone arrives and it won't work. It's been refurbished they tell me. Well, refurbished or not, it's not working. No problem, it's covered under warranty so we'll send a new one with a DHL tag to send back the defective one. Mom sat home all day waiting for the delivery which never came. She called Asurion to see what was going on, gets the tracking number and finds that DHL says they delivered it around noon yesterday. NOT!! I get on the phone to DHL at 9:40 with a very nasty lady who tells me (after "confirming" my number - which was wrong) that it'll be an hour or two before I hear anything. Keep in mind my mother's at home yet again waiting for this delivery which needs to be signed for. I say that's not acceptable and I want an answer by 10:30 a.m. No problem she tells me. Well, at 10:36 I call back because I haven't heard anything. "Ben" politely answers and apologizes for the trouble. He also tells me that I've got another 45 minutes to wait because she wasn't supposed to promise me an answer by 10:30. So now he tells me I'll have an answer by 11:30. Guess what, by noon I still had no answer so I call back again. This time I get an even nastier girl who tells me to "deal with it you'll have a call by 2:00". Deal with it? Is this customer service? I think not. I tell her my lawyer will handle it with her corporate office & hang up. Nope, not gonna bother. I call Asurion back to let them know what's going on. I get a very nice woman named "Karen" who spends the next hour with me on the phone and DHL trying to get it straightened out. By the end of the hour she told me I had to wait until all the drivers were back (did I mention he said he left it in my back hall..... odd since he'd have to get through a locked gate and door....... or he might have left it at the wrong house). We have to wait for them to declare the package lost then Asurion can send me a new phone and for all my troubles I'm getting extra accessories for the phone. I was so relieved to have delt with a nice person who not only calmed me down but got answers in an hour I couldn't get in 4hrs. To Little Miss Deal With It........ I've already sent your name and response in a letter to your corporate office. I hope something happens so you can "Deal With It."
Baking Boo Boo
My friend Caron gave me a starter bag of the Amish Friendship bread which turned out great. I got stuck with the following starter bags though because the ladies who agreed to take them are out until after the first of the year.... beyond the baking date.
Well, today was baking day; thought I'd put a loaf in the box to Dion. Glad I didn't just wrap it up and send it off. Part of the recipe says you can substitue the vanilla pudding for chocolate. GREAT!!! I love chocolate and this should be yummy, right? WRONG!!! It turned my bread GREEN!!! I'm talking Emerald City green. Ugh, ladies / gentlemen, still to the recipe.
Well, today was baking day; thought I'd put a loaf in the box to Dion. Glad I didn't just wrap it up and send it off. Part of the recipe says you can substitue the vanilla pudding for chocolate. GREAT!!! I love chocolate and this should be yummy, right? WRONG!!! It turned my bread GREEN!!! I'm talking Emerald City green. Ugh, ladies / gentlemen, still to the recipe.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
RIP Bhutto

This morning I learned that PM Bhutto had been shot. While I mourn her loss and the positive change she would undoubtedly have brought to her country, I'm troubled that more people are attacking the US and President Bush specifically for not keeping her safe. She is a grown woman who knew what she was getting into. Where was her own country's security? Where were her own guards? I'm all for being a "Big Brother" to the world when needed but we're not the world Mother. At some point other countries need to take responsibility for themselves and stop blaming us. What would happen if we stopped everyone from attacking other countries? Then we'd be called lazy for not stepping in. We're basically in a no-win situation. My heart goes out to the family of former P.M. Bhutto and I hope whoever takes her place continues with her dream of a peacful Pakistan but please, stop blaming us for something we had NOTHING to do with.
Costly Cough
I got sick & tired of being sick and my family couldn't take my constant hacking any longer. Dad sore this natural stuff he buys at Wegmans would help.... I've been hacking up a lung for over 2 weeks so why not. So off to Wegmans we go and he buys this Bolthouse Farms C-Boost. You know what, at $3.99 for a large bottle, it's better than any perscription I tried. I've picked up a couple more of the large bottles and plan to make a small bottle part of my once-weekly regiment. It's got cherries, camu camu, apple juice and mango puree. It's a bit thick and a little too sweet for my taste but it's effectively stopped my cough and I couldn't be happier. Check it out!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Annual Abbott Christmas party

Well, last night was my annual Christmas party. I had been taking Dayquil and Nyquil for the last couple of days so didn't exactly feel like I was on death's door when everyone arrived. Of course we had way too much food, plenty to drink and the right amounts of fun & laughter. It's so great when we all get together! Glad Phil actually got out of that shirt, even if he was happy about "fitting" into something 3 sizes smaller!!!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Medical Update
I seem to have caught whatever is going around again. I just hope it's not that bronchial thing again I had 5 years ago. That was awful.
Anyway, I wanted to let you all know that the Metformin is working. My insulin resistance has gone down from 61.1 to 23. It's still high but much better than before. My thyroid medicine got upped from 125 mg to 137 but that's ok. I'm going tomorrow a.m. for a CAT scan. Apparently the left side of my body doesn't have the mobility that my right side does and my primary is concerned about the headache's I've been getting. He said a lot could be stress (um, yeah, it's the end of campaign so no shock there) but he wants to get it looked at just to play it safe.
We also talked about if I should have the Gastric Bypass surgery like my father did. He told me that he's had a number of patients go throught it with great success, he thinks I'd be a good candidate and warned that it's a long road to get approval and I need to get moving on it if I want to have this done. I'm 124lbs overweight and am at high risk for a bunch of nasty stuff so of course I want to have this done. Thing is I'd want it done in late April or early May which is my downtime at work. Mom want5s it done in July when it's her down time. So much for having it done together! LOL One site dad recommends is If you or anyone you know is thinking about the surgery, here's a good place to start.
Happy, Heathly Holidays!!!
Anyway, I wanted to let you all know that the Metformin is working. My insulin resistance has gone down from 61.1 to 23. It's still high but much better than before. My thyroid medicine got upped from 125 mg to 137 but that's ok. I'm going tomorrow a.m. for a CAT scan. Apparently the left side of my body doesn't have the mobility that my right side does and my primary is concerned about the headache's I've been getting. He said a lot could be stress (um, yeah, it's the end of campaign so no shock there) but he wants to get it looked at just to play it safe.
We also talked about if I should have the Gastric Bypass surgery like my father did. He told me that he's had a number of patients go throught it with great success, he thinks I'd be a good candidate and warned that it's a long road to get approval and I need to get moving on it if I want to have this done. I'm 124lbs overweight and am at high risk for a bunch of nasty stuff so of course I want to have this done. Thing is I'd want it done in late April or early May which is my downtime at work. Mom want5s it done in July when it's her down time. So much for having it done together! LOL One site dad recommends is If you or anyone you know is thinking about the surgery, here's a good place to start.
Happy, Heathly Holidays!!!
Makeover Mayham or Magic?
Last weekend things were going really well in regards to our bathroom make over and I thought we'd actually have it all done in time for the party on Saturday. Think again. On Monday dad was framing in the shower and hit a pipe. No big deal normally but it pulled one end out of the end from another pipe and we had a leak. It all dried out but here's the funny part. My mother and I were in the kitchen downstairs and she asked me to bring up the laundry basket. "Sure" I said, "just let me go to the bathroom because I've really got to pee." Well, you can guess what happened. That's when the pipes came apart and yours truly was right underneath.
Did I mention that on Sunday when we ran the water through for the first time to check for leaks, I'd turned the one shut off valve the wrong way and got a face full of ice cold water. Heck guys, if I stunk you could have just said so. I'd have taken a shower on my own! LOL
So tonight my father & brother got the pipes put back together, the heating vent is in, the new ceiling is up- and the walls are painted (for the most part) but we still won't be ready in time for Saturday. Instead of tile we'll put carpet down to cover the subfloor - sorry chris and those who read this & attend lol - and the walls won't be perfect but it'll be functioning and look totally different from the last time anyone's seen in. In fact, there's a lot of changes between this year & last. The fish are now gone (anyone want a 55 gallon tank?), the bathroom looks completly different, we've got a new light fixture in the dining room thanks to dad and I think that might have been in. Originally I included the bathroom being done in that list but a few more weeks and we should be all set to go. Good thing because on January 15th it's mom's turn to host the ladies from school and they'll be here. Kari's having a couple girlfriends sleep over for her birthday and I said they could be upstairs to keep them out of my mother's hair. Then before you know it, April will be here and it'll be my turn to host the annual girls night again. It's honestly one of my favorite nights of the year, right next to Christmas. We just let loose and have fun.
Ahh..... more to come.
Happy Holidays!!!
Did I mention that on Sunday when we ran the water through for the first time to check for leaks, I'd turned the one shut off valve the wrong way and got a face full of ice cold water. Heck guys, if I stunk you could have just said so. I'd have taken a shower on my own! LOL
So tonight my father & brother got the pipes put back together, the heating vent is in, the new ceiling is up- and the walls are painted (for the most part) but we still won't be ready in time for Saturday. Instead of tile we'll put carpet down to cover the subfloor - sorry chris and those who read this & attend lol - and the walls won't be perfect but it'll be functioning and look totally different from the last time anyone's seen in. In fact, there's a lot of changes between this year & last. The fish are now gone (anyone want a 55 gallon tank?), the bathroom looks completly different, we've got a new light fixture in the dining room thanks to dad and I think that might have been in. Originally I included the bathroom being done in that list but a few more weeks and we should be all set to go. Good thing because on January 15th it's mom's turn to host the ladies from school and they'll be here. Kari's having a couple girlfriends sleep over for her birthday and I said they could be upstairs to keep them out of my mother's hair. Then before you know it, April will be here and it'll be my turn to host the annual girls night again. It's honestly one of my favorite nights of the year, right next to Christmas. We just let loose and have fun.
Ahh..... more to come.
Happy Holidays!!!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Potty Progress
It was a pretty banner weekend at my house. This weekend - mostly on Sunday - my brother & I got the frame up in the bathroom for the ceiling, installed the joists and put up the first piece of drywall. We didn't put the 2nd and final one up because dad's putting in a fan tomorrow and promised to start framing in the shower. Saturday was a big day for the simple fact mom & I got the fish tank emptied and the plumbing had it's first official run-through after being "done". No leaks except in the basement which my brother & father figured out. Apparently the guts of the one shut off valve melted so they just replaced it with one they had. The prime & paint are on the wall and if it keeps going this well, I'll definately be ready for my party on Saturday. I also just need to keep clear of the "bug" going around. Kari already seems to have it. Yikes! Kudos to my brother for all the great work he's done on the bathroom. He rocks!
Friday, December 07, 2007
1-2-3 Cookie
Got a great new recipe and made this cookie for my friends. You can change what you put in them (just look for the **) and it's sooooo easy!!!
1 packet (from the box) graham crackers made into crumbs
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 cup chocolate chips ** - I substituted this with choclate chunks in one batch and choc/pb chips in another
pour into a buttered 9x9 pan
bake at 350 for 30 minutes
1 packet (from the box) graham crackers made into crumbs
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 cup chocolate chips ** - I substituted this with choclate chunks in one batch and choc/pb chips in another
pour into a buttered 9x9 pan
bake at 350 for 30 minutes
Christmas Poem
A Different Christmas Poem The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,Transforming the yard to a winter delight.The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,And I crept to the door just to see who was near.Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child."What are you doing?" I asked without fear,"Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts..To the window that danced with a warm fire's lightThen he sighed and he said "Its really all right,"I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night.""It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,That separates you from the darkest of times.No one had to ask or beg or implore me,I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.My Gramps died at ' Pearl on a day in December,"Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers."My dad stood his watch in the jungles of ' Nam ',And now it is my turn and so, here I am.I've not seen my own son in more than a while,But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,The red, white, and blue... an American flag.I can live through the cold and the being alone,Away from my family, my house and my home.I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.I can carry the weight of killing another,Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..Who stand at the front against any and all,To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall.""So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright,Your family is waiting and I'll be all right.""But isn't there something I can do, at the least,"Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?It seems all too little for all that you've done,For being away from your wife and your son."Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,"Just tell us you love us, and never forget.To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,To stand your own watch, no matter how long.For when we come home, either standing or dead,To know you remember we fought and we bled.Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,That we mattered to you as you mattered to us."PLEASE, Would you do me the kind favor of sending this to as many people as you can? Christmas will be coming soon and some credit is due to our U.S.service men and women for our being able to celebrate these festivities. Let's try in this small way to pay a tiny bit of what we owe. Make people stop and think of our heroes, living and dead, who sacrificed themselves for us.
LCDR Jeff Giles, SC, USN30t h Naval Construc tion RegimentOIC, Logistics Cell OneAl Taqqadum , Iraq
LCDR Jeff Giles, SC, USN30t h Naval Construc tion RegimentOIC, Logistics Cell OneAl Taqqadum , Iraq
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Funny Christmas Story..... not for the traditionalist!!
> > A Christmas Story
'Twas the night before Christmas--Old Santa was pissed.
He cussed out the elves and threw down his list.
Miserable little brats, ungrateful little jerks;
I have a good mind to scrap the whole works!
I've busted my ass for damn near a year,
Instead of 'Thanks Santa'--what do I hear?
The old lady bitches cause I work late at night.
The elves want more money--The reindeer all fight.
Rudolph got drunk and goosed all the maids.
Donner is pregnant and Vixen has AIDS.
And just when I thought that things would get better
Those assholes from the IRS sent me a letter,
They say I owe taxes--if that ain't damn funny
Who the hell ever sent Santa Claus any money?
And the kids these days--they all are the pits
They want the impossible--Those mean little shits
I spent a whole year making wagons and sleds
Assembling dolls...Their arms, legs and heads
I made a ton of yo yo's--No request for them,
They want computers and robots...they think - I'm IBM!
Flying through the air...dodging the trees
Falling down chim neys and skinning my knees
I'm quitting this job there's just no enjoyment
I'll sit on my fat ass and draw unemployment.
There's no Christmas this year now you know the reason,
I found me a blonde. I'm going SOUTH for the season!
'Twas the night before Christmas--Old Santa was pissed.
He cussed out the elves and threw down his list.
Miserable little brats, ungrateful little jerks;
I have a good mind to scrap the whole works!
I've busted my ass for damn near a year,
Instead of 'Thanks Santa'--what do I hear?
The old lady bitches cause I work late at night.
The elves want more money--The reindeer all fight.
Rudolph got drunk and goosed all the maids.
Donner is pregnant and Vixen has AIDS.
And just when I thought that things would get better
Those assholes from the IRS sent me a letter,
They say I owe taxes--if that ain't damn funny
Who the hell ever sent Santa Claus any money?
And the kids these days--they all are the pits
They want the impossible--Those mean little shits
I spent a whole year making wagons and sleds
Assembling dolls...Their arms, legs and heads
I made a ton of yo yo's--No request for them,
They want computers and robots...they think - I'm IBM!
Flying through the air...dodging the trees
Falling down chim neys and skinning my knees
I'm quitting this job there's just no enjoyment
I'll sit on my fat ass and draw unemployment.
There's no Christmas this year now you know the reason,
I found me a blonde. I'm going SOUTH for the season!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Green & Cuddly
My friend Skip became a father this past September for the first time. With all the toy recalls - and the fact that Hannah's only a couple months old - he's asked for no toys this year for her but books instead. He'd like a teddy bear (she hasn't gotten her first one yet) but he wants it to be toxic free adn made in the USA if possible. Now, I'm fairly interested in the green movement so his request caught my interest. Here are 3 sites I think you should all check out: - natural cures for whatever ailes you - eco friendly products for you & your baby. I love the organic toys. - a website with great & easy tips for going green one step at a time or jumping in the deep end of the unpolluted pond.
Check them out & let me know what you think!
~J - natural cures for whatever ailes you - eco friendly products for you & your baby. I love the organic toys. - a website with great & easy tips for going green one step at a time or jumping in the deep end of the unpolluted pond.
Check them out & let me know what you think!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Volunteer Firefighters Pull Through
Despite my hate of large crowds (which I've seemed to have developled in the last couple of years) I went to a benefit that my brother's volunteer firefighters put on for one of their own. Together they banded together to sell over 700 tickets, had over 200 baskets for a Chinese Auction, had 2 50/50 raffles that totaled over $700 raised for their "brother" and then there was an additional auction where you got to pick your prize. When all was said and done, the last number we heard thrown around was $10,000 raised. This is amazing and I'm so proud of all of them. Being a volunteer firefighter your "benefits" are bumpkiss but appreciated while you have them. The guy in this case was injured while answering a call. He broke both legs, an ankle, some ribs, his collar bone, dislocated his left shoulder and tore his rotor cuff. I believe there was also a break to his back. If memory serves correct it's because a guy ran a red light. Word to the wise folk - and I've said this because my cousin Jeff is a medic - the lights & sirens mean something MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway they guy's doing great and I'm really happy it all worked out. There were guys there from all over River Road, Brighton, Sheridan, South Line, Ellwood and Kenmore. It's great when a group comes together and I couldn't be more proud of my brother for all the hard work he put into this.
Will I end up with Brad from the Bachelor???
I'm sitting here waiting for my brother to get ready so we can go to the gym. In all honesty he can take longer than me at times just to get ready. So, to pass the time I jumped on yahoo to check my email and came across this article:;_ylc=X3oDMTFybmFnN3FnBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEc2VjA2ZwX3RvZGF5BHNsawN3aGVuLXNoZXMtaG90LWJ1dC1oZXMtbm90BHp6A2Fi
My question is this (you'll understand after reading the article), if hot women are taking the average guys, do average women like me get the "leftovers" in this case? The leftovers in this case are the hot guys. Maybe this was the problem for Brad on the Bachelor. Both Jenni and DeAna were hot women. If this is the way that the world is trending..... I honestly have no problem with that! :-);_ylc=X3oDMTFybmFnN3FnBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEc2VjA2ZwX3RvZGF5BHNsawN3aGVuLXNoZXMtaG90LWJ1dC1oZXMtbm90BHp6A2Fi
My question is this (you'll understand after reading the article), if hot women are taking the average guys, do average women like me get the "leftovers" in this case? The leftovers in this case are the hot guys. Maybe this was the problem for Brad on the Bachelor. Both Jenni and DeAna were hot women. If this is the way that the world is trending..... I honestly have no problem with that! :-)
Monday, November 12, 2007
eMOM Radio Spot
Have a listen to eMOM's new radio spot. It's great!
Have a listen to eMOM's new radio spot. It's great!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Christmas packages / cards to soliders & vets
I've gotten many emails about sending Christmas cards / packages to Walter Reed attn "Any Soldier". I just wanted to say that I tried this last year and due to security concerns, these will only be returned. If you want to help by sending cards & packages go to:
This is the best way. They're a great group of people who are doing great work and need all of our help. I joined this great group almost 3 years ago and have loved every minute of it.
Happy Holidays All !!!
This is the best way. They're a great group of people who are doing great work and need all of our help. I joined this great group almost 3 years ago and have loved every minute of it.
Happy Holidays All !!!
Veterans Day
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place;
and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, flyScarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead.
Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throwThe torch;
be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep, though poppies growIn Flanders fields.
John McCrae
**Remember them and say thank you before you can only wish to.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place;
and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, flyScarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead.
Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throwThe torch;
be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep, though poppies growIn Flanders fields.
John McCrae
**Remember them and say thank you before you can only wish to.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Sand & Stone.......... Sage Advice
Football Funny
A guy took his blonde girlfriend to her first football game. They had great seats right behind their team's bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience. "Oh, I really liked it," she replied, "especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, but I just couldn't understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents." Dumbfounded, her date asked, "What do you mean?" "Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was: 'Get the quarterback! Get the quarterback!' I'm like...Helloooooo? It's only 25 cents!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Back in Buffalo
Hi everyone. I'm finally back in Buffalo and aside from my cousin, the only thing I really miss about Austin is the warmth!! LOL Ok, and Massage Envy, and Hannah D's, and Colver's. When I left Austin it was 80 and sunny; arriving in Buffalo when it was 48 and raining wasn't too much fun. I did get to do something really great though. Mom & dad picked me up with Kari because Donald had a board meeting for football. We went straight out to the dance studio because for their anniversary, dad purchased ballroom lessons for him & mom. Isn't that sweet!! 32 years and they're still newlyweds. :-) Well, there really wasn't a place for Kari & I to sit since it's so small in there. We sat on a bench outside & I helped (more like watched in horror) as she did her math homework. I haven't been out of school that long but when she starts her math homework I feel like I'm 100 years old. Mom & dad did great. Once the lesson had ended, Kari & I went inside and mom showed me the Fred Astair room. My bedroom is painted but a bit of a mush when it comes to a theme. Well, I found it. I want to make it look like a dressing room you'd see back stage and hang up b&w prints of Fred & Ginger. I've got my autographed Ginger photo somewhere.
Ok, on to the medical front. I was so busy this weekend I hardly remembered to take my synthroid but it didn't seem to matter. I didn't take my metformin because I felt so sick the last time I took it & didn't want it to ruin my weekend. Gotta get back on track & I'm so glad my doctor doesn't read this! Ladies & gentlemen, don't get off routine, I'm really bad about this and that's something I need to pay better attention to. I also need to make sure I focus on the gym. I thought I'd been doing so well until I got in the plane. The seats seemed smaller (or are my hips bigger?) and the seatbelts seem shorter ( or am I rounder?) I'm going to give myself until the middle of February. If I don't see a marked change by then, I'm going to talk to my primary about the gastric bypass like dad had. I'll of course have to go through the same steps and my only fear is that the insurance will decline me. I don't have heart disease (that I know of but of course will have to be checked for), I don't have high blood pressure (that's the best part about me), I don't have sleep apena (as far as I know but when I'm stuffed up I can snore to drown out the navy! lol). I am more than 100 lbs overweight (1 of 5 morbidity factors) and I can't remember what the last one is. Dad stopped talking about them when he rattled off 4 and said he had them all. Mom's thinking of doing it in the spring and that would actually be perfect for me as that's our slow time at work. I'd only have to be out 2 weeks because I work at a desk...... already got the PTO saved up! This isn't something I'm jumping into so please don't think I'm taking the easy road. I've watched dad go through the process so I'm very aware of what's ahead if I do this. The first day won't be too bad except for the waiting to go into surgery. The 2nd day will be hell because that's when the drugs really wear off. The 3rd day is when I get the blue popsicle and can tell if I'll go home. After that it's a lot of walking, no driving and taking it easy. Life won't be the same but I know my family will support me. Dad's done all the research and I know Caruana is the best in the business so I have no fear there. The important thing is that I'm too young to be this old. I've got a list of things I want to do in life (I crossed 2 off this weekend: Visit Austin, TX and Ride an elephant). Time to get moving on more. I've hired a couple of financial advisors - one's pretty cute to! - and have really made up my mind to get get my financial act together. I've pushed off & on for years when it comes to my medical health so I've just got to buckle down there. I'll keep you posted as I go forward.
For those of you who are curious, I didn't get to meet Iggy on my trip but that's ok. I'm still holding out for Travis. ^_-
Ok, on to the medical front. I was so busy this weekend I hardly remembered to take my synthroid but it didn't seem to matter. I didn't take my metformin because I felt so sick the last time I took it & didn't want it to ruin my weekend. Gotta get back on track & I'm so glad my doctor doesn't read this! Ladies & gentlemen, don't get off routine, I'm really bad about this and that's something I need to pay better attention to. I also need to make sure I focus on the gym. I thought I'd been doing so well until I got in the plane. The seats seemed smaller (or are my hips bigger?) and the seatbelts seem shorter ( or am I rounder?) I'm going to give myself until the middle of February. If I don't see a marked change by then, I'm going to talk to my primary about the gastric bypass like dad had. I'll of course have to go through the same steps and my only fear is that the insurance will decline me. I don't have heart disease (that I know of but of course will have to be checked for), I don't have high blood pressure (that's the best part about me), I don't have sleep apena (as far as I know but when I'm stuffed up I can snore to drown out the navy! lol). I am more than 100 lbs overweight (1 of 5 morbidity factors) and I can't remember what the last one is. Dad stopped talking about them when he rattled off 4 and said he had them all. Mom's thinking of doing it in the spring and that would actually be perfect for me as that's our slow time at work. I'd only have to be out 2 weeks because I work at a desk...... already got the PTO saved up! This isn't something I'm jumping into so please don't think I'm taking the easy road. I've watched dad go through the process so I'm very aware of what's ahead if I do this. The first day won't be too bad except for the waiting to go into surgery. The 2nd day will be hell because that's when the drugs really wear off. The 3rd day is when I get the blue popsicle and can tell if I'll go home. After that it's a lot of walking, no driving and taking it easy. Life won't be the same but I know my family will support me. Dad's done all the research and I know Caruana is the best in the business so I have no fear there. The important thing is that I'm too young to be this old. I've got a list of things I want to do in life (I crossed 2 off this weekend: Visit Austin, TX and Ride an elephant). Time to get moving on more. I've hired a couple of financial advisors - one's pretty cute to! - and have really made up my mind to get get my financial act together. I've pushed off & on for years when it comes to my medical health so I've just got to buckle down there. I'll keep you posted as I go forward.
For those of you who are curious, I didn't get to meet Iggy on my trip but that's ok. I'm still holding out for Travis. ^_-
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Hola from Austin
Hola from Austin, Tx everyone!! I got here Thursday evening and boy was I tired. We had a lot of turbulence from Buffalo to JFK (not to mention 4 screaming kids), a 3hr layover at JFK (boring!!!!!) and the flight from JFK to Austin was long. I didn't have the screaming kids but I wasn't off the hook either. We hit some air bumps over a few states and the screaming kids were replaced by frat boys on their way to a friends wedding or reunion or something. After getting in we hopped over to the Hula Hut for dinner. I had such a great Hawaiian burger I can't wait to remake it back home. We hung out at the house for a bit then ran over to Amy's (it's been on the Food Network folk's, I just HAD to!!) for some ice cream. It's just like Cold Stone but as the guy behind the counter said "Yeah, but we were here first." LOL Chilled at the house then fell asleep. I won't lie, a bit of homesickness hit. Friday was another great day and I spent wayyyy toooo much money. We started out by going to Hannah D's ( and I picked up a few things for my sister. Then we went next door to Massage Envy ( for a 1hr massage. Guys, check out the site. It was so amazing I can hardly tell you. Then we did some shopping, ok, we did a lot of shopping but I got all of my gifts - almost. (g) Picked Brandon up from school and did some more shopping and looking around at different store. Friday night Nikki & I got glammed up and we hit 6th street. For those of you back home that's the equal to Chippewa but I'd say better because only the dance clubs had cover. We started out at the Dizzy Rooster, wound our way about a block up to the Chuggin' Monkey, walked around to check out the sites, had a drink at the Apple Bar then ended at Marq. Guys, they shut the street off at 11:00 so no worries about the sidewalks getting crushed. They even have cabs lined up on sidestreets in case you can't drive home. We got back to the house and flopped into bed at about 1:00 a.m. but weren't there long. We were up at 5:30 and on the road by 7:00 to Houston to see a Ren Fest. Now, that has nothing to do with Ren & Stimpy. Rennasaisance (sp?) is what I mean and boy were the costumes awesome, in more ways then one. Stop by for pix, I'll try to upload them soon. Nikki's friend Lee was with us and so was Brandon's friend Alfonso (he's such a cute kid!). Lee & Michael were eating they're way around the fair and I kid you not. Scotch Eggs, turkey legs, beef jerkey, sausage on a stick, alligator on a stick, bagels, kettle korn and that was before lunch! We finally left about 6:00 or so and started the 2.5 hr drive home. Nikki hadn't been feeling good all day but on the way home we stopped at a Sonic (yes, I finally got to eat at one and it wasn't half bad) then made it home. Today we got to sleep in a bit later and relax. Michael is teaching a class and left for the lake by noon. Yup, they're still in open water folks. Nikki, Brandon & I hit Al Cappone's for the pasta bar. I'm so making my dish for the Christmas party! LOL We went to Best Buy to pick up something for Brandon, got some world famous Round Rock donuts - they're really yellow! - then it was off to the Round Rock Outlet Mall. I got a few more things to bring back. I did eat lunch Friday at Rudy's which my brother raved about. I even had to buy him sauce. Since I didn't want it to get all over my clothes I had to put it in my carry on..... it's over 3 oz so I can't take it on the plane...hmmm.... what's a girl to do? Yup, this girl went back to Hannah D's (in all fairness, I did it Friday afternoon) and bought another carry on bag. This one is so cute. It's balck with pink polka dots, pink handles and pink bows over the front pockets. It's even got a zipper portion on the bottom for pots & jars of your favorite beauty products. In my case it'll be used for shoes. LOL I just printed my boarding pass and am ready to go. I'll miss Nikki as I've had such a great time with her but I'm ready to get back to what I'm sure is a disaster on my desk. Hope the coffee pot's still standing! LOL Did I mention Nikki's aunt in El Paso passed away Thursday afternoon? She's been so great with me here. We're riding to the airport early tomorrow so she can catch a flight out for the funeral tomorrow. I'm going to hang around and get letters written that I was supposed to do on the way down here. Hope everyone got their post cards and I can't wait to see you all!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Totally Tarot
Hey there boys & girls. Tonight was the monthly meeting of the 40 & Fab club from mom's school. Tonight's adventure??? Tarot reading at the Lancaster Opera House. It was great. We started with dinner at Flying Turtles - don't bother folks - then it was off to the tarot reading. Luckily we all got to sit at the table together & we just went around the table. She nailed our friend Marina and pretty much all of us.
The great part of mine was that she told me I'd be able to build my own empire, I'd design my own kingdom. Folks, I say that's proof my bakery's going to come to life. I can't wait to go to Lily Dale!!!
The great part of mine was that she told me I'd be able to build my own empire, I'd design my own kingdom. Folks, I say that's proof my bakery's going to come to life. I can't wait to go to Lily Dale!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Medical Update
Well, I promised I'd spend more time talking about my new medical discovery, how I'm dealing with it and how we're changing each other.
I've been on the new level of Synthroid and Metformin for about 2 months now. I feel much better and, combined with a slightly better eating habit, I've lost about 8 lbs in the last 4 weeks. You always hear that exercise is good for you, well, with Hash & PCOS it's really encouraged. The good news is that our gym finally opened. Mom, Donald & I went the first Saturday it was opened and really liked it. For the past 2 weeks, April & I have gotten into a routine where we go 2 nights a week and we're alternating a day on the weekend. We "meet" at the elliptical at 7:00 or 7:30, get our cardio in and then I usually move on to the bike followed by weights. April pretty much tuckers out after an hour on th elliptical and who wouldn't. The funny part is that from our perch in the cardio "division" we can see over into the weight area and watch her husband Dan. Sometimes he gets so into a zone it's like no one is there. Tonight I showed him the beginner room where I do my circuit of weights and he was pretty impressed. Tomorrow's another weigh in and I'm not sure how I'm doing because I don't really feel lighter but........ I am fitting into pants that I already own which are a size smaller. So I guess that is good news!!
Remember folks, if you're not getting the answer you want from your doctor, check the online directory, there's plenty out there. Don't give up the fight, your answer IS out there.
I've been on the new level of Synthroid and Metformin for about 2 months now. I feel much better and, combined with a slightly better eating habit, I've lost about 8 lbs in the last 4 weeks. You always hear that exercise is good for you, well, with Hash & PCOS it's really encouraged. The good news is that our gym finally opened. Mom, Donald & I went the first Saturday it was opened and really liked it. For the past 2 weeks, April & I have gotten into a routine where we go 2 nights a week and we're alternating a day on the weekend. We "meet" at the elliptical at 7:00 or 7:30, get our cardio in and then I usually move on to the bike followed by weights. April pretty much tuckers out after an hour on th elliptical and who wouldn't. The funny part is that from our perch in the cardio "division" we can see over into the weight area and watch her husband Dan. Sometimes he gets so into a zone it's like no one is there. Tonight I showed him the beginner room where I do my circuit of weights and he was pretty impressed. Tomorrow's another weigh in and I'm not sure how I'm doing because I don't really feel lighter but........ I am fitting into pants that I already own which are a size smaller. So I guess that is good news!!
Remember folks, if you're not getting the answer you want from your doctor, check the online directory, there's plenty out there. Don't give up the fight, your answer IS out there.
My cousin's a Top Dog
My cousin Mike was working for a company that was bought out recently. After taking a couple weeks off he got hired by a great new company who, in my mind, is very lucky to have him. Check out his write up!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
My endo has me on Metformin to help control my insulin level. I'm not a diabetic but my level is too high. It's making my stomach a bit angry but luckily it's not too bad. I have lost 6 lbs in the last two weeks which is great. Finally, things are starting to come together. For you girls out there with the same diagnosis, keep the faith. It's taking a long time but it does get better. Stay tuned!
Sabres Game
Went to the Sabres game last night with my brother, sister and 2 of my brother's friends. We played those funny little birds from Pittsburgh. Hmm..... when they scored they were awfully loud but as we won 4-3 I didn't see any of them after the last couple of minutes. There was 17,900 people there last night and we all sang the Canadian national anthem - like we usually do - but there was hardly a dry eye in the house when we sang the American national anthem. Funny how we've really changed since 9/11. Not that we weren't proud before, now we're personally touched and that just brings what runs deep to the service.
Pix from the game to come.
We are proud of you guys!
Pix from the game to come.
We are proud of you guys!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Better Blogger
I have to say, I'm a pretty poor blogger. If you check out my friend Chri's site (C's travels) - to the right - she always has great posts with neat little finds and fun facts. Now, from her site you can get to my friend Smithy (All things Jen(nifer) ) which for some reason blogger won't let me add.......b*ast*rds. Anyway, Smithy's quite the deal in the blogger world and I'm honored to be called her friend. If you ever want to really know what's going on in Buffalo, check out her site.
Now on to fun news of my own. On Nov 1st I leave my beloved city of Buffalo but only for a short while. I'm off to the fun filled city of Austin, Tx to visit my favorite cousin (ok, Nikki & Corrie are actually tied as my favorite cousins but Corrie lives across the street so it's easier to visit her! lol) I'll only be gon 5 days but it'll be a great break from the stress of work and I'm not even taking my cell phone. Ok, I probably will but I'm seriously restricting my calls. LOL We're going to this place called the Alamo Drafthouse for dinner one night, the Hula Hut for dinner when I get in, 6th Street which is supposed to be like our Chippewa but smaller and believe it or not, there's a place you can get your picture taken with a real live longhorn!!!! I so need to do that! LOL There's even a famous drag queen named Leslie. Now you just know I HAVE to have my picture taken with a drag queen in Austin. How many chances in life will you have like that? Heck, I'm even going to add it to my list of goals in life just to cross it off! LOL Lots of pictures to come, I promise!!!!
Now on to fun news of my own. On Nov 1st I leave my beloved city of Buffalo but only for a short while. I'm off to the fun filled city of Austin, Tx to visit my favorite cousin (ok, Nikki & Corrie are actually tied as my favorite cousins but Corrie lives across the street so it's easier to visit her! lol) I'll only be gon 5 days but it'll be a great break from the stress of work and I'm not even taking my cell phone. Ok, I probably will but I'm seriously restricting my calls. LOL We're going to this place called the Alamo Drafthouse for dinner one night, the Hula Hut for dinner when I get in, 6th Street which is supposed to be like our Chippewa but smaller and believe it or not, there's a place you can get your picture taken with a real live longhorn!!!! I so need to do that! LOL There's even a famous drag queen named Leslie. Now you just know I HAVE to have my picture taken with a drag queen in Austin. How many chances in life will you have like that? Heck, I'm even going to add it to my list of goals in life just to cross it off! LOL Lots of pictures to come, I promise!!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Dad on wheels........

Tonight was a skating party for Kari's school, the first of the season. They even brought out the school mascot - The Screaming Eagal - who was brave enough to strap a pair of roller skates to his own feet. Well, the big bird wasn't the only one. Dad got into a pair of roller skates for the first time since he was about my sister's age!!! A few times around the rink........... ok, more than a few and he was feeling like a kid again. I'm sure he'll feel it in the morning but it was sooooo good to see him having such fun. Doesn't he look great!!!!!! 99lbs down and only 7 more to go! Way to go dad!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A new stance
I've been looking at various blogs and I've noticed something. While ones like my friend Smithy (allthingsjennifer) cover a variety of topics, they stay in a general arena. Same with my friend Chris (linked to the right). Mine is a bit of a mish-mosh that touches on a ton of things but is serious about nothing. Well, I'm finally getting serious.
We often have symptoms we ignore or when we finally do go to the doctor, maybe we're afraid to say anything because we think that no one in the world has what we have. Well, why? I find this insane and have decided to speak out about what I've got in hopes that others will go to their doctor, get diagnosed and not be afraid. What have I got that's so important? Hashimoto's and PCOS. I won't go into detail but here's a couple of articles you might want to look at in your spare time. Leave me a comment on my post and let's spread the word. You are NOT alone.
We often have symptoms we ignore or when we finally do go to the doctor, maybe we're afraid to say anything because we think that no one in the world has what we have. Well, why? I find this insane and have decided to speak out about what I've got in hopes that others will go to their doctor, get diagnosed and not be afraid. What have I got that's so important? Hashimoto's and PCOS. I won't go into detail but here's a couple of articles you might want to look at in your spare time. Leave me a comment on my post and let's spread the word. You are NOT alone.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Yummy thought...
I was trolling Smith's blog and I saw she' s linked to one called "Grilled cheese & a cup of coffee". For some odd reason, it's midnight and the sound of that blog was yummy. I could go for a grilled cheese and iced coffee. Too late though, maybe for dinner tomorrow.
Career Quiz
So I'm browsing my dear friend Smithy's blog (allthingsjennifer) and I come across a career quiz that I've just GOT to take. I always wondered if I was in the right job or if I just fell into it because it's what my mother does. Well, I took the quiz and guess what, my current career doesn't even show up on the list of 20+ ideas! In fact, it says I should be an interpreter, fashion designer, make up artist or the #1 idea is Director of Photography. Hmmmmm.......
1. Go to
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark
3. Take their “Career Matchmaker” questions.
4. Post the top ten results.
1. Go to
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark
3. Take their “Career Matchmaker” questions.
4. Post the top ten results.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
A new thought
I've never wanted to be kids and I'm 100% sure I don't want to be pregnant and 100% sure I don't want to go through childbirth. After watching a medical show tonight I'm 1,000% sure I don't want my knees pushed up through my nostrils. As I hung up Kari's bathrobe in the bathroom and fixed her still little sleeves, I had a funny thought. I'm not 100% sure I don't want to be a mom. This is uncharted territory for me. Any thoughts?
Monday, September 10, 2007
Great New Site
I joined this great new site called . It's a cute little website that breaks down the mundane and helps you not feel overwhelmed mostly about housework. It's created by a housewife for other housewives who mainly don't work. While this is a great site I recommend, this isn't what I've chosen to post about. It's this one:
It's a great, FREE way to light a candle for whatever reason. I got it in an email from Flylady because her great neice is in the hospital with an illness and she's only 1 month old. Well I started looking around and you can create a "group" for any reasone and anyone can light a free candle. I started a group called "Troop" to show support for our troops. I also started a group call "Bills" for Kevin Everett who we all know took a potentially fatal hit in yesterday's game. If you get a chance, stop by & light a candle for him or create a group of your own. Take a second to reflect why you're lighting the candle and pass it on.
Peace & Blessings,
It's a great, FREE way to light a candle for whatever reason. I got it in an email from Flylady because her great neice is in the hospital with an illness and she's only 1 month old. Well I started looking around and you can create a "group" for any reasone and anyone can light a free candle. I started a group called "Troop" to show support for our troops. I also started a group call "Bills" for Kevin Everett who we all know took a potentially fatal hit in yesterday's game. If you get a chance, stop by & light a candle for him or create a group of your own. Take a second to reflect why you're lighting the candle and pass it on.
Peace & Blessings,
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Making it count...
I always thought that a blog was an anonymously public rant or praise that no one knew about or at least didn't know who wrote it. I found out today I'm wrong but that's ok. I was apologized to today because someone saw that my feelings had been hurt by their actions. While I hope I reassured her that I'm fine it did make me think.
If I've got a public platform to use for good, then why am I not using it more? Am I using it enough? Well, I'm going to be a bit better about it. I want to direct you (after reading this post of course) to the link on the left called "One Marine's View". It's a blog run by a US Marine who is just expressing his views which happen to be shared by thousands. They are able to write real life experiences of what they're seeing while in military service and what family members are going through as they're left behind. Well, we can't all join the military. For those who can, I envy you. I've had to think of another way to show my support and be a part of the team. My flag flies outside my house day in and day out and that will never change. But there's more that we can do without marching in protest rallies (if it rings your bell go for it). There is a site I've mentioned more than once called I joined it a couple years ago and I highly suggest it to anyone who wants to show support but doesn't have a lot of money or time. There's another site called You can see this on OneMarine'sView. You'd be amazed how impactful a few dozen chocolate chip cookies can be.
Find what makes you passionate be it the military, cleaning up your neighborhood (Thanks to JP Losman of the Buffalo Bills for cleaning up my hometown), or making life a bit more bearable for the senior citizens in their golden years. Whatever it is, go out and do it. Make it happen. Just do me one favor.......................... make sure it's something positive.
If I've got a public platform to use for good, then why am I not using it more? Am I using it enough? Well, I'm going to be a bit better about it. I want to direct you (after reading this post of course) to the link on the left called "One Marine's View". It's a blog run by a US Marine who is just expressing his views which happen to be shared by thousands. They are able to write real life experiences of what they're seeing while in military service and what family members are going through as they're left behind. Well, we can't all join the military. For those who can, I envy you. I've had to think of another way to show my support and be a part of the team. My flag flies outside my house day in and day out and that will never change. But there's more that we can do without marching in protest rallies (if it rings your bell go for it). There is a site I've mentioned more than once called I joined it a couple years ago and I highly suggest it to anyone who wants to show support but doesn't have a lot of money or time. There's another site called You can see this on OneMarine'sView. You'd be amazed how impactful a few dozen chocolate chip cookies can be.
Find what makes you passionate be it the military, cleaning up your neighborhood (Thanks to JP Losman of the Buffalo Bills for cleaning up my hometown), or making life a bit more bearable for the senior citizens in their golden years. Whatever it is, go out and do it. Make it happen. Just do me one favor.......................... make sure it's something positive.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
What a week it's been
It's been a pretty off the wall week for me. On Monday and Tuesday I was allowed to take my mother's van to work. Hmmm.... the first solo drive. For all of you out there who may be on the road the same time as me I say this: "The city speed limit is 30 mph. If you have an insane need to get to the next red light before me, feel free to go around." I say this because there's been a large influx in patrol cars in the area and I don't intend to get my first ticket just weeks within getting my license.
As for my license, it came in the mail yesterday or the day before. It also came with a note that said it was about to expire so please stop down to the nearst DMV to pay $50 to keep it current. How nice of them, I can also send it in by mail. Seems to me you should just start over again. Mom said it's because I waited so long and my permit would have expired next week anyway.
I think part of what's contributed to this "odd" week has been the fact that I haven't taken my synthroid. No, it doesn't mess with my mind but I don't feel good. I'm feeling run down like before. Add that to the crazy week and the fact that a friend from work is losing her job the end of the month, another got her hours cut in half and yet a 3rd friend and I are on icey terms. The 3rd friend often gets too close to and crosses barriers she has no right to. I told her so last Saturday and we haven't really spoken since. I see it as this. As children we're taught not to do certain things. Don't drink, you're not old enough. Don't have sex before you're married.... ok, so that one doesn't really work out so much anymore. Don't stand in scalding water. Pretty basic things. Well, as we grow up, there's still things we shouldn't do. She just needs to remember that.
We've got another girls night coming up and I'm really looking forward to it. This one is at Chris's apartment which none of us have been to yet. She lives in these nice apartments and the best part is that she has a viewof the harbor. It's all sweets & desserts so I just need to figure out what to make. Hmm..... graham cracker reese cup treats anyone? I think that's one that will work.
I've been feeling off for a few weeks now that has nothing to do with my synthroid. It's my birthday. Funny but no one tells you that 27 will bother you. 25 bothered the hell out of me. I'll be in a total coma for 30. There's so many things I thought I'd have done by now and I haven't done any of them. I didn't marry Paul (thanks Joe, I owe you for that one), I don't have kids (really not sure they're for me anyway), I haven't started my own Fortune 500 business and I haven't made a million dollars. Things seemed so easy & trackable in high school. That begs the question "Do we put false hopes into kids minds when we tell them they can do anything and the world is their oyster?" Who picked the oyster anyway? Slimey little things and I'd rather go to a jewelry store to get a pearl anyway.
I think it's time for another life list, or at least a good hard look at the current one. Maybe it's time for an update. Keep you posted and post thoughts, nice to know I'm not alone on this planet.
As for my license, it came in the mail yesterday or the day before. It also came with a note that said it was about to expire so please stop down to the nearst DMV to pay $50 to keep it current. How nice of them, I can also send it in by mail. Seems to me you should just start over again. Mom said it's because I waited so long and my permit would have expired next week anyway.
I think part of what's contributed to this "odd" week has been the fact that I haven't taken my synthroid. No, it doesn't mess with my mind but I don't feel good. I'm feeling run down like before. Add that to the crazy week and the fact that a friend from work is losing her job the end of the month, another got her hours cut in half and yet a 3rd friend and I are on icey terms. The 3rd friend often gets too close to and crosses barriers she has no right to. I told her so last Saturday and we haven't really spoken since. I see it as this. As children we're taught not to do certain things. Don't drink, you're not old enough. Don't have sex before you're married.... ok, so that one doesn't really work out so much anymore. Don't stand in scalding water. Pretty basic things. Well, as we grow up, there's still things we shouldn't do. She just needs to remember that.
We've got another girls night coming up and I'm really looking forward to it. This one is at Chris's apartment which none of us have been to yet. She lives in these nice apartments and the best part is that she has a viewof the harbor. It's all sweets & desserts so I just need to figure out what to make. Hmm..... graham cracker reese cup treats anyone? I think that's one that will work.
I've been feeling off for a few weeks now that has nothing to do with my synthroid. It's my birthday. Funny but no one tells you that 27 will bother you. 25 bothered the hell out of me. I'll be in a total coma for 30. There's so many things I thought I'd have done by now and I haven't done any of them. I didn't marry Paul (thanks Joe, I owe you for that one), I don't have kids (really not sure they're for me anyway), I haven't started my own Fortune 500 business and I haven't made a million dollars. Things seemed so easy & trackable in high school. That begs the question "Do we put false hopes into kids minds when we tell them they can do anything and the world is their oyster?" Who picked the oyster anyway? Slimey little things and I'd rather go to a jewelry store to get a pearl anyway.
I think it's time for another life list, or at least a good hard look at the current one. Maybe it's time for an update. Keep you posted and post thoughts, nice to know I'm not alone on this planet.
Friday, August 17, 2007
WARNING!!!!!!!! IDT Energy
About 10 minutes ago a man named "Michael" came to my door saying that he was from checking on gas customers in the area. That people from IDT were going around getting people to sign contracts & he wanted to make sure we weren't paying higher bills than we should be. He then asked to see a copy of my gas bill !! I told him everything went to the financial planner and we never saw the bills. If it's true or not, he doesn't need to know. I just now hung up the phone with a very nice woman named Dawn from National Fuel to inquire about the visitor. She stated that National Fuel is well aware that these people are going around, that they are NOT affiliated with National Fuel and that by looking at the bill, what they're doing is copying down the account number and automatically switching people over. I'm all in favor of more than one supplier but let's be legit about it folks.
Iced Coffee
Since dad's surgery, he's become quite the lover of iced coffee's. So far he thinks McDonald's has the best but honestly, if you are getting 2 a day, the $3 price tag can add up. So, with that in mind, I offer you the Abbott Iced Coffee:
A 16-20 oz tumbler (plastic)
a teaspoon of Sanak instant coffee
Fill about half way with cold water
mix until dissolved.
Add a dash of your favorite flavoring (I'm a nut for hazelnut!)
add 1/2 & 1/2 to desired coloring / taste
stir & chill.
A 16-20 oz tumbler (plastic)
a teaspoon of Sanak instant coffee
Fill about half way with cold water
mix until dissolved.
Add a dash of your favorite flavoring (I'm a nut for hazelnut!)
add 1/2 & 1/2 to desired coloring / taste
stir & chill.
Ahhh.... facial
I'm home early so figure I'll make dinner for everyone. I'm dumping the boiling water from perogi's and the steam hits me full in the face. Hmm... cheap, and non-embarrassing as it's at home. Wonder if we can scent the water though. LOL Just a thought next time you're cooking pasta. Linger over it a little longer and treat yourself to more than a great meal.
Solo Driver
Last night Kari needed to go to the grocery store to get chips for her end of summer picnic at camp. Well, mom was too tired to take her and dad, having just gotten back from his walk, wanted to water the lawn. Donald was as of yet still at practice so guess who that fell to. Yup! Yours truly. Well, it was a bit nerve racking but you know what? The confidence started to work it's way into my bones and while I'm still very cautious about doing the speed limit exactly, I was feeling pretty good by the time I got home. My only Oops! moment was when I got home and my father asked what I'd forgotten. I figured it was to use my blinker before I pulled into the parking spot. Nope. I'd forgotten to turn on my lights. Oh well, if the 4 police cars I passed didn't care, I'm kosher! LOL
Thursday, August 09, 2007
US Postal Story
Too cute not to share.
>THIS IS A U.S. POSTAL SERVICE STORY>> Our dog, Abbey, died August 23, and the day after Abbey died, my> 4 year old, Meredith, was SO upset. She wanted to write a letter to> God so that He would recognize Abbey in heaven. She told me what to> write, and I did.>> Then she put 2 pictures of Abbey in the envelope. We addressed> it to God in Heaven, put two stamps on it because, as she said, it> could be a long way to heaven. We put our return address on it, and> I let her put it in the drop box at the post office that afternoon.>> She was absolutely sure that letter would get to heaven, and I> wasn't about to disillusion her.>> So today is Labor Day. We took the kids to the museum in> Austin, and when we came home, there was a package wrapped in gold on> our front porch. It was addressed to Meredith. So... she took it> inside and opened it. Inside was a book, When Your Pet Dies by Mr.>Rogers (Fred Rogers).> Inside the front cover was the letter we had written to God, in its> opened envelope. On the opposite page was one of the pictures of> Abbey taped on the page. On the back page was the other picture of> Abbey, and this handwritten note on pink paper:>> "Dear Meredith, I know that you will be happy to find out that> Abbey arrived safely and soundly in heaven. Having the pictures you> sent to me was a big help! I recognized Abbey right away! You know,> Meredith, she isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me, just> like it stays in your heart... young and running and playing. Abbey> loved being your dog, you know.>> Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any> pockets to keep things in. So... I am sending you your beautiful> letter back with the pictures so that you wi ll have this little> memory book to keep. One of my angels is taking care of this for me.>> I hope this little book will help.> !> Thank you for your beautiful letter. Thank your mother for> sending it. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially>for you.>> Signed,> God>>> This is a true story, I love that we have angels among us, some of>them even work at the Post Office!
>THIS IS A U.S. POSTAL SERVICE STORY>> Our dog, Abbey, died August 23, and the day after Abbey died, my> 4 year old, Meredith, was SO upset. She wanted to write a letter to> God so that He would recognize Abbey in heaven. She told me what to> write, and I did.>> Then she put 2 pictures of Abbey in the envelope. We addressed> it to God in Heaven, put two stamps on it because, as she said, it> could be a long way to heaven. We put our return address on it, and> I let her put it in the drop box at the post office that afternoon.>> She was absolutely sure that letter would get to heaven, and I> wasn't about to disillusion her.>> So today is Labor Day. We took the kids to the museum in> Austin, and when we came home, there was a package wrapped in gold on> our front porch. It was addressed to Meredith. So... she took it> inside and opened it. Inside was a book, When Your Pet Dies by Mr.>Rogers (Fred Rogers).> Inside the front cover was the letter we had written to God, in its> opened envelope. On the opposite page was one of the pictures of> Abbey taped on the page. On the back page was the other picture of> Abbey, and this handwritten note on pink paper:>> "Dear Meredith, I know that you will be happy to find out that> Abbey arrived safely and soundly in heaven. Having the pictures you> sent to me was a big help! I recognized Abbey right away! You know,> Meredith, she isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me, just> like it stays in your heart... young and running and playing. Abbey> loved being your dog, you know.>> Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any> pockets to keep things in. So... I am sending you your beautiful> letter back with the pictures so that you wi ll have this little> memory book to keep. One of my angels is taking care of this for me.>> I hope this little book will help.> !> Thank you for your beautiful letter. Thank your mother for> sending it. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially>for you.>> Signed,> God>>> This is a true story, I love that we have angels among us, some of>them even work at the Post Office!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Leeeaaving Onnnn A Jet Plannneeee....
Monday, August 06, 2007
Roll up the road..
I passed my roadtest today!!! I'm officially a licensed driver according to the state of New York. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 03, 2007
40 & Fab Club
Family Reunion
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Internal Campaign
Friday, July 27, 2007
For the secretary with a vision problem...
Monday, July 23, 2007
Veet update
When does a 3-point turn become a 5-point turn?
..... easy, when I'm driving! My brother needed to go to the store on Friday and since I need to get time in before my roadtest I drove. Well, we met my parents at Old Man Rivers for dinner but on the way I pulled off to practice my 3-point turn. Well, 3 became 5-point and I almost took out a mailbox. After that, since we'd gotten to OMR before my parents, I was going to try parallel parking. "Not with a BMW behind you!" said my brother. Picky Picky! LOL
Friday, July 20, 2007
Hey guys, I was reading one of my articles on like always and saw one about a site called . It was started by a couple of college buddies and the best thing is, if you're looking for anything you can not only find it but leave reviews to! Check it out!!
April's Accident

Last night my best friend April called me and said she was in an accident and wouldn't be at work today. I was more worried about her than work at that point. A guy hit her on the drivers side door making an illegal turn and has totaled her car. Here's the scary part. I've always considered Jeeps to be a safe & great car. One of my dream cars really. As it turns our her airbags didn't deploy when she got hit, nor did they deploy when she'd been flung across the street and hit a pole. The worst part was that her seat belt failed and came unhooked. She ended up in her husbands lap and he was in the passenger seat. So far everyone seems fine, the car's totaled and she's waiting for the guy who hit her to file an accident report so that she can get a rental car. The ironic part? She was trading it in a few weeks from now to get a new one. Hmm... maybe Jeep should look into these cars a bit more.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Lighten Up UWBEC

Over the last few months I've been working really hard to bring the Lighten Up America program to my office. It's an online program that is Honor System based. You are teams of 2-10 people and can enter a Minutes of Activity division, a Pounds Lost division or for the ambitious, both. By running this 8 week pilot program here at work we're the first in NYS to do this particular program which I'm really proud to be a part of both aspects I won't ramble on too much but instead will direct you to the best source of information... their website! Check it out: and see what you think. Just remember you saw it here first!
Waldfest 2007

As you know by now, my friend Chris always finds these great, fun things to do. I'm all about the beer and am even German but until recently, I'd never heard of Waldfest. A festival in the summer devoted to celebrating German heritage and the best part of being German, drinking beer. Not just any beer but GREAT beer. You of course can't live on beer alone - though many of us would like to - so here's a snapshot of Chris with a small beer and a bratwurst. Yum!! Pile on the saurkraut!!
Veet is Sweet

Lately shaving has just become a horrible experience. Not that I keep cutting myself but my skin has gotten so sensitive from my thyroid medicine that it's actually painful. When the hair grows back it itches like the devil in wool. After seeing a number of commercials for Veet - just slap on the cream, wait a few minutes then scrape it off with a bladeless tool - I decided to try it. Unlike it's counterpart, Nair, there was no real burning with Veet which I greatly enjoyed. I was afraid that I'd break out but so far so good. The smell wasn't too bad either. The question is, will it really last for 3 week? We'll soon find out. For $6 and a quick way to get rid of unwanted hair, stop by your local grocery store & check it out! Let me know how it works for you!
Princess Renita turns 51

Yesterday was my friend Renita's 51st birthday. She'd been saying she wanted to just have a "Princess Party" with her granddaughters. Well, after joking about it in our Monday staff meeting, she'd promised to bring our SVP - Karen - a crown and she actually did it. Funnier was that Karen actually wore it. LOL Well, she didn't want us to feel left out so she gave ALL of us in the department crowns to wear. We all donned our tiara with matching earrings and wore them all day. In fact, when I went to pick up her cake at Wegmans on lunch, I forgot I had it on and almost walked into the store with it on! Jean was actually going to let me go to! Geesh! There's friendship for ya!! LOL
Happy Birthday 'Nita!!!
Happy Birthday 'Nita!!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Bariatric Buddies
Monday, July 09, 2007

I know I'm a bit late with my post but Happy Belated 4th Everyone!
My brother was walking in our neighborhood parade so of course we went up to support him. Here's the thing, it had been raining off & on all day. It was a fairly light rain when we walked up to the corner to watch but by the time Donald & crew got to us, it was a full on downpour!!! At that point, umbrella's are useless and everyone was happily getting drenched. At that point, going with the flow is the best option.
Fireworks were big & bright as always and we drew a great crowd since so many had been cancelled due to weather.
All of my eMOM guys were on my mind and I hope a soldier, sailor, marine or airman was on your mind. Best of all, I hope you got to hug a veteran. It's like an extra Christmas present for them.
The weekend before last we had my cousin Jeff's little girl Brooke stay overnight with us. I love when she's over because she's so full of life & energy. The girls spent a good part of the second day in the pool and kept begging me to join them. I begged off saying I didn't like to swim, didn't want to get my hair wet or my suit was in the wash. The truth is, I just don't like the way I look in my suit. So here's the question I post to the cyber world, when you're trying to instill a positive body image in young girls, but have a poor view of your own, what's the best course of action?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Happy BBQ Season
Isn't this how it always works out and the Men think we should appreciate
their efforts.....WTH:) lol
After many long months of cold and winter, we are
finally coming up to spring and BBQ season.
it is important to refresh your memory on the
etiquette of this outdoor cooking ritual, as it's
the only type of cooking a real man will do, probably
because there is an element of danger involved.
When a man volunteers to do the BBQ, the
following chain of events is put into motion:
1. The woman buys the food.
2. The woman makes a salad, prepares vegetables,and makes dessert.
3. The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it
on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils
and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill - drink in hand.
Here comes the important part:
More routine:
5. The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.
6. The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He thanks her and asks if she will
bring another drink while he deals with the situation.
Important again:
More routine:
8. The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces and brings them to the
9. After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
And most important of all:
10. Everyone PRAISES THE MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts.
11. The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "her night off" and, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes
that there's just no pleasing some women!
Happy BBQ Season everyone!
their efforts.....WTH:) lol
After many long months of cold and winter, we are
finally coming up to spring and BBQ season.
it is important to refresh your memory on the
etiquette of this outdoor cooking ritual, as it's
the only type of cooking a real man will do, probably
because there is an element of danger involved.
When a man volunteers to do the BBQ, the
following chain of events is put into motion:
1. The woman buys the food.
2. The woman makes a salad, prepares vegetables,and makes dessert.
3. The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it
on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils
and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill - drink in hand.
Here comes the important part:
More routine:
5. The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.
6. The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He thanks her and asks if she will
bring another drink while he deals with the situation.
Important again:
More routine:
8. The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces and brings them to the
9. After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
And most important of all:
10. Everyone PRAISES THE MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts.
11. The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "her night off" and, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes
that there's just no pleasing some women!
Happy BBQ Season everyone!
April parties in 30!!!

So April's 30th birthday is this Wednesday but her hubby Dan threw a big party for her on Saturday at her parents house in N.T. Here's a group shot of our crew minus Chris (we missed you!!). It was a great little cook-out and it was great for everyone to get together. It's honestly my favorite thing to do. As much as I love to throw parties, it was nice to just show up and relax. Of course we'll have a little something for her here at the office on Wednesday. I'm making a cake and Nicole (purple top next to me) and Yates (black top on the far end) put together a scrapbook for her covering the next year. I did June and that's the first month. We had the whole department sign it and I'm going to print this picture and put it in so her first month is done. By the way, April's the one in the black dress, back row. I've seriously got the greatest group of girls and they've all got the greatest guys. If I could take a piece from each, I think I'd have found my perfect mate. LOL Happy Birthday April!!!!
In my rant & rave at Home Depot I had sorta started to calm down but here's what made me chill like a block of ice. On the way out I saw a true, life-sized, in the flesh Buddist monk. It was soooooo freakin cool. Monks rock!
Home Depot Sucks
I just need to put it out there that Home Depot sucks. I mean big time. A week & a half ago my brother and I got 11 cases of tile for our bathroom. Donald even paid for it. We go on Saturday to pick it up and they can't find it. About 30 minutes later it's discovered that they sold all of the tile, including our 11 cases. After huffing & puffing they say they found some at the Niagara Falls Blvd store & it's going to be shipped over. According to Home Depot, it'll be at the Elmwood store either Wednesday or Thursday. The scary part is we had to do a Will Call again for more things we needed. Ugh!!!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Dan-Jumbo Charges Discharged

Ok, I've seen this guy on his show and he always measures everything wrong. Like I'd want to hire him as my handyman. Now he dates someone my mother works with and is the sister of one of her friends. He comes across fairly well but lets face it. Celebrity's gone to his brain. A friend works for the organization in question so while I can't actually say what happened I can say he was in the wrong. My only question now is...... how big was the donation?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Best Fitness
So the BAC has once again become something I hate going to and haven't been in months except once a couple weeks ago. My brother had signed us all up for a new gym that's opening their first location in Western New York. They're called Best Fitness and are mostly at the other end of the state & in the New England area. We went to their open house this past Saturday and while it didn't look like much - they're still under construction - I could see the vision just from how passionately the owner talked about it. The best part was that at the other end of the plaza they had set up an office with a few pieces of the new equipment they'd be using. Just seeing it got me excited. There's flat screen TV's on the treadmills and some of the other pieces. I think they even had one on the elliptical which would be awesome. Here's the kicker. When we walked into the office, I knew the guy in there looked awfully familiar. I popped into the back room to check out the machines & hear my father say "What are you doing here?" Oh great, I think to myself. A few minutes at a new gym & he runs into someone he knows. LOL Turns out this guy was the trainer at the gym in his surgeon's office. Now he's going to be a personal trainer for Best Fitness. Yeah!!! Dad's talked a lot about him and seems to be comfortable with him so, if the price is right, I think I'll hire him as my own personal trainer. That's really what I need to keep on track anyway. If you get a chance, check out the site:
I think you'll really like it!
I think you'll really like it!
Marth Moment turned Good

As all my friends & family can attest, I see something on a home improvement show and think "Hey, I can do that." I call these my Martha Moments and they rarely turn out. My dining room chairs were 2nd hand from my cousin Melissa who didn't take care of the set at all. Well, I get a Martha Moment and think "I can re-stain that and probably recover the chair cushins to. Why not?" IT WORKED!!!!! Here's a before & after shot of the chairs. I did the re-staining myself and mom helped with the re-covering of the cushins. Don't they look great?! The best part is that the fabric is normall $10 a yard and I got it on sale for 50% off. Now doesn't that make them look even better! :-)
Support the Troops Cake
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Falcons Return to Buffalo

Peregrin Falcons return to the next
For the second time in history, a pair of Paragrine Falcons have staked out a nest on a window ledge of the Statler building. Perched at the 19th floor, the falcons now have four feathery babies in the nest.
Check them out in live time here.
"Soon enough you will be able to see the soaring birds of prey testing out their new wings and tracking down their first prey (almost exclusively small birds in flight) in the city skies around their home. But like any fledgling youngster, their first fly will require some practice, so they will likely be found hopping around the streets and sidewalks surrounding the Statler. Keep your eyes peeled when driving downtown, and if you do spot a struggling falcon chick, call the DEC at 851-7010 so they can return it to its nest.After about six weeks the four falcons (three females and one male) will depart to make their own homes in the wild --or urban-- world, likely leaving their mother and father atop the Statler to raise next year's offspring."It’s becoming increasingly common [for falcons] to make nests in cities," said DEC Spokeswoman Megan Gollwitzer. "They have been adapting to these urban environments. Often biologists will put nest boxes on tall buildings and bridges," since falcons traditionally nest 50-to-200 feet in the air. "
For the second time in history, a pair of Paragrine Falcons have staked out a nest on a window ledge of the Statler building. Perched at the 19th floor, the falcons now have four feathery babies in the nest.
Check them out in live time here.
"Soon enough you will be able to see the soaring birds of prey testing out their new wings and tracking down their first prey (almost exclusively small birds in flight) in the city skies around their home. But like any fledgling youngster, their first fly will require some practice, so they will likely be found hopping around the streets and sidewalks surrounding the Statler. Keep your eyes peeled when driving downtown, and if you do spot a struggling falcon chick, call the DEC at 851-7010 so they can return it to its nest.After about six weeks the four falcons (three females and one male) will depart to make their own homes in the wild --or urban-- world, likely leaving their mother and father atop the Statler to raise next year's offspring."It’s becoming increasingly common [for falcons] to make nests in cities," said DEC Spokeswoman Megan Gollwitzer. "They have been adapting to these urban environments. Often biologists will put nest boxes on tall buildings and bridges," since falcons traditionally nest 50-to-200 feet in the air. "
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Tennis anyone???
Frank Lloyd Wright

Kari's been working on a big project this year on Frank Lloyd Wright. After helping her I can say there's no question one of the 5 of us can't answer. Here's a couple pictures of what has become a family favorite - Falling water in PA. It's Frank's most famous house built for someone who's not a part of a royal family. We're happy to share pictures so if you're interested, just ask! :)
A wide gulf gets wider
I know change is going to come no matter what and I welcome it on most occasions. It just seems that lately, or at least since she got engaged, that there's been this "gulf" between Chris & I and it just keeps getting wider and wider. She's got her husband, school, and things to do for in-laws. Maybe I'm just over tired and reading too much into this, but can a gulf become a cavern?
Friday, June 08, 2007
Corporate Challenge 2007
The JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge has come & gone for 2007. Once again my girls here at United Way took part and did awesome! Our President - Arlene Kaukus won for Senior Woman Executive. I think this is her 3rd or 4th year in a row. Congrats to all the runners but especially to my crew from U.W. You all did awesome and I'm proud of each & every one of you. See you there next year.... I promise!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Wes & his first Harley
A southerner's view on Gas & Immigration
Hi there,
Just a note to tell you that my mailbox is being flooded with mail concerning gas prices and illegal immigrants.
To boycott oil companies or not; to provide amnesty to illegal immigrants or not, etc. Since I have become jaded to the various solutions proposed by the Republicans, Democrats, Sierra Club, ACLU, etc., I have elected to solve the problems as they affect me.
My response solves both my gas and illegal immigrant problems........................
I have hired illegal immigrants to push my car.
They're plentiful and cheaper than buying gas.
Then I pay them in Pesos so they have to go home to spend it.
Don't you love it when a plan comes together?
Have a great day.
Just a note to tell you that my mailbox is being flooded with mail concerning gas prices and illegal immigrants.
To boycott oil companies or not; to provide amnesty to illegal immigrants or not, etc. Since I have become jaded to the various solutions proposed by the Republicans, Democrats, Sierra Club, ACLU, etc., I have elected to solve the problems as they affect me.
My response solves both my gas and illegal immigrant problems........................
I have hired illegal immigrants to push my car.
They're plentiful and cheaper than buying gas.
Then I pay them in Pesos so they have to go home to spend it.
Don't you love it when a plan comes together?
Have a great day.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Give War a Chance, by Major Paine
I was reading my other favorite blog - One Marine's View (found to the right) this morning and here's his lates post. Not only is it powerful, he's RIGHT!
June 04, 2007
Give War a Chance
American Forces Press Service May 22, 2007 WASHINGTON - Many Marines areconcerned that Americans aren't willing to invest enough time for success inIraq, the Corps' top officer said here yesterday.Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James T. Conway told Pentagon reporters thatdefense officials must do a better job of communicating to the Americanpeople the cost of leaving Iraq too soon.
While Americans disagree on the reasons for going into Iraq, there is muchmore agreement on what would happen if coalition forces left beforeachieving success, Conway said.Americans have to understand that defeating an insurgency is a long-termproposition, he said."Historically, (defeating insurgents) has (taken) somewhere between nine and10 years, with various levels of effort," he said. "I think that there isless of an appetite in our country than we the military might think we needto sustain that kind of effort over that period of time."The general said coalition forces in Iraq see incremental daily progress."They want to be able to sustain that progress, because they want to be ableto succeed and come out with our credibility high and the credibility of theUnited States ... where it was when we went in," he said. "So in thatcontext, I think that our servicemen and women would wish for as much timeas it takes to do the job, realizing that incremental progress will one daytake us over the top."Conway, who has been commandant for about six months, said he is encouragedby coalition progress in Iraq's Anbar province."What we are seeing transpire in the al Anbar province today is a clear,discernible wedge between the Sunni tribes and the al Qaeda in Iraq," hesaid. "It has taken four years for these folks to realize that the al Qaedain Iraq could offer no more than a future filled with fear and instability."Tribal leaders and sheikhs in the Sunni province have thrown their lots inwith the Iraqi government. "Some very brave people have stepped up to speakout against al Qaeda and encourage their fellow tribesmen to work togethertoward an Iraq that is stable and at peace with its neighbors," Conway said."Now more than ever, it's imperative for the power of the (United States) tocontinue to support the people of Iraq economically, politically andmilitarily."Progress in Anbar province has been so great that it has changed strategy inthe region, Conway said. At one point, U.S. and Iraqi officials viewed thesituation in Anbar province as bleak and forecast that it would be the lastprovince to transition to Iraqi provincial control. "That has changed,"Conway said. "We now have Sunnis in large numbers joining the Iraqi army inthe al Anbar province. We have more Sunni tribesmen wanting to become policethan we have the opportunity to train on a monthly basis."As part of the military surge to quell violence, two battalions arescheduled to go to the province. "Any plus-up effort ... (is) in a very realsense reinforcing success," Conway said.The situation is so much better that the additional battalions may beshifted to other areas in the country, Conway said, adding that much of theprovince could fall under the control of the Iraqi police and army.Conway said he is pleased with moves to rush procurement of Mine ResistantAmbush Protected Vehicles, which are more effective than up-armored Humveesat withstanding the deadly effects of roadside bombs. "These vehicles willtruly have a positive impact on our ability to better protect our Marinesand sailors operating at the tip of the spear," the commandant said.Conway also reported on efforts to increase the size of the Marine Corps to202,000 personnel through 2011. Recruiters are doing a superb job in aconstrained environment, Conway said. He noted that growing casualty listshave made it tougher for recruiters to convince "influencers" -- parents,coaches, teachers etc. -- to encourage qualified young Americans to considerthe military.Surveys show that the propensity for all major ethnic groups in the UnitedStates to join the all-volunteer military is down. Still, Conway has taskedrecruiters with ensuring that the Marine Corps reflect the ethnic diversityof America, he said.
June 04, 2007
Give War a Chance
American Forces Press Service May 22, 2007 WASHINGTON - Many Marines areconcerned that Americans aren't willing to invest enough time for success inIraq, the Corps' top officer said here yesterday.Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James T. Conway told Pentagon reporters thatdefense officials must do a better job of communicating to the Americanpeople the cost of leaving Iraq too soon.
While Americans disagree on the reasons for going into Iraq, there is muchmore agreement on what would happen if coalition forces left beforeachieving success, Conway said.Americans have to understand that defeating an insurgency is a long-termproposition, he said."Historically, (defeating insurgents) has (taken) somewhere between nine and10 years, with various levels of effort," he said. "I think that there isless of an appetite in our country than we the military might think we needto sustain that kind of effort over that period of time."The general said coalition forces in Iraq see incremental daily progress."They want to be able to sustain that progress, because they want to be ableto succeed and come out with our credibility high and the credibility of theUnited States ... where it was when we went in," he said. "So in thatcontext, I think that our servicemen and women would wish for as much timeas it takes to do the job, realizing that incremental progress will one daytake us over the top."Conway, who has been commandant for about six months, said he is encouragedby coalition progress in Iraq's Anbar province."What we are seeing transpire in the al Anbar province today is a clear,discernible wedge between the Sunni tribes and the al Qaeda in Iraq," hesaid. "It has taken four years for these folks to realize that the al Qaedain Iraq could offer no more than a future filled with fear and instability."Tribal leaders and sheikhs in the Sunni province have thrown their lots inwith the Iraqi government. "Some very brave people have stepped up to speakout against al Qaeda and encourage their fellow tribesmen to work togethertoward an Iraq that is stable and at peace with its neighbors," Conway said."Now more than ever, it's imperative for the power of the (United States) tocontinue to support the people of Iraq economically, politically andmilitarily."Progress in Anbar province has been so great that it has changed strategy inthe region, Conway said. At one point, U.S. and Iraqi officials viewed thesituation in Anbar province as bleak and forecast that it would be the lastprovince to transition to Iraqi provincial control. "That has changed,"Conway said. "We now have Sunnis in large numbers joining the Iraqi army inthe al Anbar province. We have more Sunni tribesmen wanting to become policethan we have the opportunity to train on a monthly basis."As part of the military surge to quell violence, two battalions arescheduled to go to the province. "Any plus-up effort ... (is) in a very realsense reinforcing success," Conway said.The situation is so much better that the additional battalions may beshifted to other areas in the country, Conway said, adding that much of theprovince could fall under the control of the Iraqi police and army.Conway said he is pleased with moves to rush procurement of Mine ResistantAmbush Protected Vehicles, which are more effective than up-armored Humveesat withstanding the deadly effects of roadside bombs. "These vehicles willtruly have a positive impact on our ability to better protect our Marinesand sailors operating at the tip of the spear," the commandant said.Conway also reported on efforts to increase the size of the Marine Corps to202,000 personnel through 2011. Recruiters are doing a superb job in aconstrained environment, Conway said. He noted that growing casualty listshave made it tougher for recruiters to convince "influencers" -- parents,coaches, teachers etc. -- to encourage qualified young Americans to considerthe military.Surveys show that the propensity for all major ethnic groups in the UnitedStates to join the all-volunteer military is down. Still, Conway has taskedrecruiters with ensuring that the Marine Corps reflect the ethnic diversityof America, he said.
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